Ripped off stage 4 cancer newbie


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Hi there everyone!

I feel bad about writing this but I'm at a loss as what else to do.

I have stage 4 cervical cancer and I wanted to buy RSO as I'm not 'yanno'ed' and because I won't 'yanno' they're refusing to offer me treatment or debulk/ remove the cancer until I'm..'yanno'ed'.

That leads me to stumbling on a website based here in OZ that sells can probs guess where this is heading...right?

I have NEVER been in this community before and I have never brought product and I have NEVER brought bitcoin or used bitcoin to buy anything ever

and I did both to buy the advertised RSO.

Well......I was wanting feed back on if I did the transaction correctly and all I get is crickets. I tried to use their contact drop down box twice.

I rang their contact number 4 times. I got no text messages back or a e-mail.

This web-site apparently sells other products and has the 'feel' of a legit storefront.

The money aside...what I don't have is any RSO.

I'm pretty much resigned to the fact I may have to try to grow my own medicine on a almost zero budget and under a tight time crunch.

I live in a very built up area so outdoors can't happen.

I would ask the community for some advice and help please.

Thank you to Sedge for the invite.



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Welcome to The Serrated Edge. GS.

I’m sure someone will put up a link to getting oil or weed through legal and safe sites.
plenty of help in making your own oil too..or at growing your own


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Hi there everyone!

I feel bad about writing this but I'm at a loss as what else to do.

I have stage 4 cervical cancer and I wanted to buy RSO as I'm not 'yanno'ed' and because I won't 'yanno' they're refusing to offer me treatment or debulk/ remove the cancer until I'm..'yanno'ed'.

That leads me to stumbling on a website based here in OZ that sells can probs guess where this is heading...right?

I have NEVER been in this community before and I have never brought product and I have NEVER brought bitcoin or used bitcoin to buy anything ever

and I did both to buy the advertised RSO.

Well......I was wanting feed back on if I did the transaction correctly and all I get is crickets. I tried to use their contact drop down box twice.

I rang their contact number 4 times. I got no text messages back or a e-mail.

This web-site apparently sells other products and has the 'feel' of a legit storefront.

The money aside...what I don't have is any RSO.

I'm pretty much resigned to the fact I may have to try to grow my own medicine on a almost zero budget and under a tight time crunch.

I live in a very built up area so outdoors can't happen.

I would ask the community for some advice and help please.

Thank you to Sedge for the invite.


What is Yannoed??
Do you want oil with THC in it or do you want CBD oil??
I buy CBD oil all the time. I can give you the link if you need it.


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Welcome to The Serrated Edge. GS.

I’m sure someone will put up a link to getting oil or weed through legal and safe sites.
plenty of help in making your own oil too..or at growing your own

I appreciate that.
Thank you.
The whole sordid mess has me quite emotional and sleep deprived.
I can't smoke because the cancer has spread to my throat and I can't take anything that is going to irritate my throat it looks like.....either RSO or..Green Dragon?....<--that's made with fractionated coconut oil and decarbed buds..yes?
Better with a heavy indica heavy THC strain?....dunno...


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What is Yannoed??
Do you want oil with THC in it or do you want CBD oil??
I buy CBD oil all the time. I can give you the link if you need it.

Thank you for the reply.
Jaby jabby....didn't want to upset the apple cart by using words that would get the forum censored and I don't know what the culture is here so I'm stepping lightly.

I believe that THC heavy indica strains / oil is what I need from the reading I've done.
I very open to being corrected on this.



The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Thank you for the reply.
Jaby jabby....didn't want to upset the apple cart by using words that would get the forum censored and I don't know what the culture is here so I'm stepping lightly.

I believe that THC heavy indica strains / oil is what I need from the reading I've done.
I very open to being corrected on this.

Speak freely here there is no censorship here.
Are you after pain relief from thc or the medical benefits of cbc??
Most people use cbd when they have cancer.
Thc has no medical benefits apart from pain relief but cbd has huge proven medical benefits.


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Can I have both please....pain relief and medical benefits.

The lack of sleep is really getting to me...lack of sleep is making me over emote, which is getting me upset which leads to lack of sleep...negative feedback loop is the pits.

The pain is like someone twisting a sword in my stomach - and I'm often curled in a ball around a hot water bottle or a wheat pack, crying.

Thanks on the heads up about the lack of censorship.
I felt a bit silly using code words...but I've been burnt on other forums and platforms.


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Can I have both please....pain relief and medical benefits.

The lack of sleep is really getting to me...lack of sleep is making me over emote, which is getting me upset which leads to lack of sleep...negative feedback loop is the pits.

The pain is like someone twisting a sword in my stomach - and I'm often curled in a ball around a hot water bottle or a wheat pack, crying.

Thanks on the heads up about the lack of censorship.
I felt a bit silly using code words...but I've been burnt on other forums and platforms.
The problem is anything that contains more then 0.3% thc is illegal to be sold unless prescribed by a doctor. Cbd can be bought easily and is totally legal.
If you want thc you really have 2 choices either go to a doctor and asked to be prescribed some oil that has both thc and cbd or grow your own and make it yourself. With your medical history I would think most decent doctors would be open to perceptions that have thc. Don't be afraid to try as many doctors as you need to get the prescription. I'm sure at least 2 members here have perceptions for oil that has thc in it.


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The problem is anything that contains more then 0.3% thc is illegal to be sold unless prescribed by a doctor. Cbd can be bought easily and is totally legal.
If you want thc you really have 2 choices either go to a doctor and asked to be prescribed some oil that has both thc and cbd or grow your own and make it yourself. With your medical history I would think most decent doctors would be open to perceptions that have thc. Don't be afraid to try as many doctors as you need to get the prescription. I'm sure at least 2 members here have perceptions for oil that has thc in it.
or I can grow it myself..OR A FRIEND...yep...most def a friend. Not me. Never...ever....cause that's just plain wrong...and...and....against the law......*HUGE BREATH*......yeah...that. Boy I'm dizzy all of a sudden.o_O:ROFLMAO:...I think I need a nap. 🎑🤪


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Here is an example of legal prescription oil.
it’s a WA company but there are others on eastern Au.

some sell buds too..

prices vary and it was- still is ? dearer than normal dealer prices, so don’t jump at the first place you find.


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Merlin Has a lot of knowledge with medical canna and will steer you in the right direction ..I think he pops in here frequently.


HPS turncoat
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Lotta scammers out there GS good luck in your quest.

just remember, THC/CBD oil isn't the magic bullet for Cancer, it is just one of many to do in an holistic way.

Healthy diet, low acidic high
alkaline diet, no sugar no meat no alcohol, no processed foods

lots of fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, Essiac tea. meditation, yoga, ti chi. Exercise.
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