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Nice spacing . On ya Vin
Stay out of any flood waters mate it is always full of sewage
Mate, back in 2022 we had idiots swimming around in it everywhere. The treatment plant is literally 1km down the road. All those bins from the shops just emptying themselves in flood water everywhere as well from the shops.

It's eerily still ATM.


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90km gusts down here. Extreme rain heading in now from the coast up the ranges to here. Going to be a long 2 days.
Luckily with its current location the winds have to pass over a bit of land to get to us here so it's strangely still. Hope you hold up alright mate.

There has been some odd one off gusts that have downed a few trees here and there so it has been very selective.


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Couldn’t imagine the coast, I’m +50km inland behind a few large ranges but still. Last Cat 2 I was in was constant 100km winds, like riding a motorbike, and the TV towers and support wires sang all night. I’d evacuate if I was near a stronger one, the tin on asphalt at over 150 apparently isn’t pleasant.
I’ll be glad when it’s over, stay safe Vinny.


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I tried to remove the little membrane stuck on the seed leaf. My heart sank as I fumbled and broke the leaf. sorry little one...:cry:
View attachment 58386
She'll be good mate. I did the same thing with a few seeds over me years. Usually means I'm not burying them deep enough. I find they'll always be casing and membrane free if I bury them a bit deeper..

Funnily enough though, I dropped a seed once into me medium bin...it disappeared and like a week and a half later I open the lid and there's a yellow seedling popping out the medium. So I pull it out and the tap root was about a foot long or more. Poor thing probably combed like 4" up and out the medium in complete darkness over a few days and still lived.


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These look a bit over watered mate.
Either that or maybe root bound a little waiting on GG4 to finish to move them over, pulling the GG4 tonight (y) then, popping in Mr. Goonies seeds, in their place :cool::)

They would be getting about 150ml water per day each in the picture, so not sure....

What do you recon mate? love learning :unsure:
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