Random pics of weed

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Nice VD, I love those. Sometimes you have to work for a good photo, not those girls 👍
Cheers mate. They've treated me pretty well lateky. Id love to get a nice camera though. Just using a relatively cheap Oppo phone. It's nice but it's very picky with focus. Close ups just aren't a thing, and the white balance is so variable depending on where you point the focus. Also has a habit of over sharpening the pic.

Sadly I know very little about cameras so Ill have to start doing some research. I spam enough photos here for Christ's sake that I should be able to justify the purchase..


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I had to have my slippers on way to cold for my lot toes to be out exposed. Nicely set out grow going in there
Still early 20s here during the day in good old QLD. Beautiful weather. Pretty much perfect flower weather here. End up around 23-26 in the tents during the day and might hit 13-15 on a cold morning here once you account for good old bedroom insulation.

Summer on the other hand can fuck right off. Turns out everyone was right. All the foxtailing I had a few months ago was obviously heat stress as everything has been ace the last two months.
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One Drop

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Still early 20s here during the day in good old QLD. Beautiful weather. Pretty much perfect flower weather here. End up around 23-26 in the tents during the day and might hit 13-15 on a cold morning here once you account for good old bedroom insulation.

Summer on the other hand can fuck right off. Turns out everyone was right. All the foxtailing I had a few months ago was obviously heat stress as everything has been ace the last two months.
I saw the penguins down Roaring Beach not far from my front door they had cardies on n scarves as well …🥶
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