Poppies anyone ?

Goonie Goat

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We have run these seed between a small group of friends since about 95' they're red as opposed to white and will grow in the right situation into huge bushes with shitloads of heads. The thebaine ones turned up here in the very late 90's and a lot of people who were pinching them from commercial crops ended up hospitalised, including several friends of mine at the time.
Yeah the video i attached mentions the way it killed a young man, he just thought he was drinking standard poppyseed tea but it turned out the seeds were from the 'super poppy'. Apparently makes you feel sick as then you begin to lose all feeling in your limbs, then your heart calls it quits šŸ˜Ÿ.. your friends would have had a really bad time šŸ˜³

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Yeah the video i attached mentions the way it killed a young man, he just thought he was drinking standard poppyseed tea but it turned out the seeds were from the 'super poppy'. Apparently you lose all feeling in your limbs first, then your heart calls it quits šŸ˜Ÿ.. your friends would have had a real bad time šŸ˜³
I had 2 mates in intensive care for 5 days at the same time, it was pretty epic

Sun Ra

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Caster Oil seed brews can be pretty fucked up as a dangerous experience ........ had some once 45 years ago and never again,

also a few other possibilities here - I've made it to being over 60 so personally I think I am past such risky behaviour.

PS - on the subject of Fentanyl and other more recent and worse synthetic opioids - I won't be involved in powders, MDMA, probs even LSD ever again as it's just too risky these days and also I can't be fucked with that scene anyway.

I've got a mate who still gets into the nose beers on the Gold Coast quite often and I keep telling him he may as well be playing roulette at the fucking casino.

On the subject of opium - I bought an ounce once in the early 80's to deal with a badly twisted ankle - it did the job superbly but it wasn't a nice experience when I ran out.
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Harry bootlace

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i was addicted to pain meds after spending a couple of months in hospital. morphine with one of those buttons to dispense as needed.

as an alcoholic ( recovering) i told them i was concerned but they said ā€œ weā€™ll deal with it when your betterā€. time came they said it was time to go. sent me with a script for panadine forte. and thatā€™s it. so moved to mercindol and panadine extra which was over the counter then. spent a few years chemist hopping.
anyways. iā€™m ok now. have a box of pain meds left over from last operation and kidney stones and i only take when im bad pain now.

afghan bob

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Been down same path with the good olā€™ morphine button
I voiced my concerns but they implored me no chance of addiction whatsoever and if I wished they would disconnect straight away
What are u gonna do, got tubes and wires hanging outta me and bloody Ketamine was giving me heebee jeebees and the nerve block in my shoulder got pulled out by accident
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