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Sun Ra

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So apparently Ray gunns husband was on the panel that decided who the female entry for Australia would be. Also apparently there are quite a few very talented young female break dancers who shit on this fucking garbage from this fool Ray gunn but didn't get a look in because of this kooks husband.


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Never saw her stuff, but she’s gold medal to me. Not for her dancing but if it’s true, nothing like a good rort. If you fiddle the system legally, I say “on ya luv”. I thought the collective national cringe confirms my desire to avoid people. We’re fucking aussies and once we didn’t take ourselves seriously. It all changed around Howard and Sydney 2000.
The Olympics, is as fucked as most professional sports, lost all meaning. I’d prefer fledgling woman’s sports and para type events.
Wahoo Oz came 4th? Don’t forget Russia’s absence = 70-100+ medals (gold?). A more reflective method of determining our performance would be to know the $ spent to get on the podium.
🤯where’s the diazepam?🤯

Sun Ra

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Never saw her stuff, but she’s gold medal to me. Not for her dancing but if it’s true, nothing like a good rort. If you fiddle the system legally, I say “on ya luv”. I thought the collective national cringe confirms my desire to avoid people. We’re fucking aussies and once we didn’t take ourselves seriously. It all changed around Howard and Sydney 2000.
The Olympics, is as fucked as most professional sports, lost all meaning. I’d prefer fledgling woman’s sports and para type events.
Wahoo Oz came 4th? Don’t forget Russia’s absence = 70-100+ medals (gold?). A more reflective method of determining our performance would be to know the $ spent to get on the podium.
🤯where’s the diazepam?🤯
I agree - I think she has pranked the world. Lol. 🤪

Also gotten Australia a lot of weird publicity and any weird publicity is good weird publicity. 😵‍💫
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