HAHA, I love it when you come across people who 'discover' and then totally understand and are accepting.
When I was 17 back in 1996 I was at a mates girlfriends house back in Sydney, her Dad was an actor, they weren't some deadbeat family, quite well to do, which will make sense in a minute.
For some reason they had a toilet at the back of their house and the door was on the outside of the house. We were chatting on the back patio and she went inside and I needed to piss so I just went to the back toilet.
While I was pissing I looked to my right and there was a mull bowl, and Tally-Hos and a stack of pornos, but that's irrelevant. I thought 'cool, someone in this house smokes weed'.
So I come out of the small little bathroom and my mate's girlfriend said "Oh, no-one is supposed to use that toilet, my dad wants to talk to you in the kitchen"
Basically he said "I know what you saw in there, I'm just asking you not to tell anyone about it"
"Yeah no worries mate, everyone does it, I don't care"
LOL, he was obviously worried about the potential effects on his reputation but he was cool.