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Be sure to remind people that since it's always a supply vs demand issue with capitalism that power prices will go down immediately and quite drastically too if everyone who illegally grows cannabis indoors were able to legally grow "green" cannabis in their backyards instead. There's no justifiable argument that can be said against such a stance since every party claims to care about the environment, says power prices need to come down, etc. and most people will believe it would come from the Greens which if they deny supporting at all will make them look like hypocrites and force a much needed discussion all the same.

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The man your mother warned you about.
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Those bastards will increase penalties for indoor home grown
so only good if you have land..

not only will they have us eating insects ,,now they want us smoking the fuckers as well.

mines indoor insect free clean green.


The man your mother warned you about.
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Think I’d need to be pretty pissed first,


The man your mother warned you about.
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I tried what was supposed to be butterfly larva ,,was told the locals like it with beer ,,
but no flavour to them ,,some salt on them might have better ,,
id probably try grasshoppers one day,,just depends whether I feel game enough on the day,

I spun out the first time seeing all the live insects they had at a market though,
Had a conversation about most furungs couldn’t eat what they do ,,but to them eating a rabbit was out of the question,,,coz rabbits are so cute,😂
So for most of us boils down to what we grow up with ,,anything else seems weird.


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That was the episode he got big balls so he could get cannabis from the medical dispensary 😂🤣😂
That's it mate he wacks his balls in the microwave to attain cancer for the medical cannabis certificate and goes bouncing down the road on his massively oversized balls to the tune of "Buffalo Soldier"



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I need more practice but eventually I'll make one good enough to get a politician's jimmies rustled enough to publicly deny the contents of the meme committing political suicide in the process.


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If only this were a joke :(
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