Looking for some help with infused oil


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Just wondering if any of you guys who make your own infused coconut oil what strains do you like for pain.
I've used a mates skunk and I've tried gelato autoflower that I've grown the skunk was alright the gelato is going well but doesn't do a great deal for my pain just wondering what strains you guys have tried and have worked for your pain I'm sort of only concerned about autoflower strains at the moment.
I have googled it but only get stuff on how to make infused oil and I'm only interested on peoples own experiences.

Cheers purgs

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HPS turncoat
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Hey Purgs,

ima s stoner, not a med user...

but i would imagine you would want 100% Indica for pain..

have you tried other ways to get it into your body?

If the infused coconut oil is not getting you where you feel comfortable,

try and get it into your body at higher concentration...

...maybe a med user will chime in with abit more advice..

goodluck mate!


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Oh the other thing I wanted to ask do any of you guys make balm to rub on pain affected areas and have you had any luck with it
was going to make some with my next grow cheers

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Thanks for the input guys Im in the middle of grow granddaddy purple strain at the moment supposed to be good for pain. will see how it goes.
Good luck Purgs. Not really many reports of cannabis being highly effective for pain management. I've shared flowers and edibles with a few elderly non cannabis types suffering aches and pains, and unfortunately didn't help them. I believe the direct pain management aspects of cannabis are generally over stated. It's a proven sleep aid, which may help irritability of constant pain made worse by lack of sleep. There may be certain pain types it can help, but I just haven't seen any.


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Good luck Purgs. Not really many reports of cannabis being highly effective for pain management. I've shared flowers and edibles with a few elderly non cannabis types suffering aches and pains, and unfortunately didn't help them. I believe the direct pain management aspects of cannabis are generally over stated. It's a proven sleep aid, which may help irritability of constant pain made worse by lack of sleep. There may be certain pain types it can help, but I just haven't seen any.
True I've been reading a lot of stuff from doctors and study's some say yes some no hard to know what is real and what is not real these days with the internet that's why I would rather hear from peoples own experiences but understand that most don't like to talk about it and I find that what works for one person doesn't mean it works for others.
One thing I will say about the oil that im trying at the moment is that it doesn't help the pain but it does seem to make it bearable if that makes sense and I have heard this is the case with others.


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Not sure if it's relevant to your needs, but my mother found great relief in mixing full spectrum cannabis oil with DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide) and rubbing it into the skin around the pain effected area.

She had extreme pain due to inoperable cancer of the colon, bowel and lower intestine and this is what worked when she was having tolerance breaks from the oxy and fentanyl. The DMSO worked as a carrier to help the oil penetrate deep into the surrounding tissue.

Not saying it will necessarily work for you, but it could be worth having a look at depending on your situation 🤷‍♂️ .
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from my experience it is as you mention it works more as a distraction and as it helps with sleep it’s good because pain often feels worse when your trying to sleep as it’s all you can focus on.
I’m prescribed it for a few things, one being pain and none of the products I tried did anything more than that ( oil and flower )
I have nerve pain and even opiates doesn’t help with that so I wasn’t surprised.


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How effective cannabis is for pain relief seems, to me that is, dependent on the source of the pain. I have rheumatoid arthritis, which is an inflammatory disease. Using cannabis with CBD + THC is very effective for my RA. However, if I hurt myself physically (example: crash my mountain bike) it is much less effective. Great for chronic pain in my back etc, less useful for acute pain from physical damage. Your mileage may vary....

Purgs, did you try using a CBD or CBD + THC variety in your oils? Depending on the reason for the pain, CBD might be helpful if you have an issue where inflammation is causing the pain.

afghan bob

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Also for some reason it seems that oil does lessen the need for opiates
I’ve known a few ppl in last stage cancer that have used it for tolerance weaning off the heavy stuff
I am in no way a doctor or specialist but I have seen this happen first hand
But humans are just like cars, what u put in some doesn’t always work in others
Hope u find ure way


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How effective cannabis is for pain relief seems, to me that is, dependent on the source of the pain. I have rheumatoid arthritis, which is an inflammatory disease. Using cannabis with CBD + THC is very effective for my RA. However, if I hurt myself physically (example: crash my mountain bike) it is much less effective. Great for chronic pain in my back etc, less useful for acute pain from physical damage. Your mileage may vary....

Purgs, did you try using a CBD or CBD + THC variety in your oils? Depending on the reason for the pain, CBD might be helpful if you have an issue where inflammation is causing the pain.
Not yet But I just bought some cbd kush seeds says its around 8% thc and 8% cbd so hope to get some going soon.


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Haven’t seen a balm used for pain but seen it work wonders against eczema.
I made balm from 1:1 THC:CBD flower. I don't remember the recipe, because the batch was large and I've been using it for ages. Mostly bee's wax, coconut oil, and decarbed flower. My arthritis makes my fingers painful and stiff, so use it like hand lotion. It does seem to work, but the effect is moderate and I'm willing to admit there could be some psychosomatic effects here.

On the other lotioned-up hand, my GF likes the resulting soft silky hands and that's worth it right there ;)
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