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- 2953
I am sorry, but you are playing fast and loose with the facts here. The right side of politics has attempted to move the word fascism onto the left.
Maybe they should update the meaning of the word. If its meaning has changed then that should be reflected in the dictionary.
Fascism - an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
You can believe what you want but the definition is the definite article.
You just want to use the word fascism in relation to the left because that suits your agenda.
Lefties are usually not nationalistic so your definition does not fit there.
If they are being authoritarian then use that word because that is the correct word.
Look up the word hyperbole and that describes what you are doing.

Fascism is a political spectrum so your wrong there plain and simple. Anyone can enact the tents of fascism, not just governments on the right.
Why we are seeing now is a rise of fascism with less roots in ultra nationalism and more focus on the suppression of opposition through collusion with media conglomerates and tech companies to suppress speech and political opposition.
I don't know why your automatically bending me as "right wing" here. I'm as left as they come.
If you take actions as a centralised government to control and limit speech/interaction in a bid to limit any form of political opposition, especially through the use of multi billion dollar companies and centralised intelligenc agencies, you are enacting one of the most important tents of fascism, left or right.
I meen, it's obvious. Any questioning of current government narrative and your immediately gaslit and labelled a terrorist, accused of sowing dissent, immediately accused of being a Nazi and removed from social media platforms. Sounds awfully familiar doesn't it..
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