How long should my females take from now? To harvest?


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Yes I have stopped

defoliating them I did so after the last rain as I read removing some of the leaves overlapping and all that so I did take more off than I should have. For the photosynth and all the other factors leafs are needed for. As they would be bigger with more leaves but I was worried if we have much rain so late as I’m like or started 2 + months late… so the seasons are changing and I just didn’t want heavy or lots of rain to effect them and kill them with mould or rot. So I went very heavy removing and defliating at start flower and then again after last rain I couldn’t help it even though they could have been left on there.

You think 8-16 weeks from the pic of them under the shade?

They are obviously small plants I made them small and used smaller pots than larger and transplanted when I wanted them to get bigger. But I def made them smaller and won’t be TP again.. it’s been close to 5 weeks of flower from the “pre flower” I assumed was Pre flower not any flower and counted from the first buds or flowers but I assume that was the pre flower stage? And or how long is pre flower? 1 week 4 weeks? As I early sexed them and was under impression when you saw the first calaxjs or signs it’s a true female was start of pre flower up until you had small buds?

Thanks for the help by the way! I appreciate it a lot and if it’s 8-16 weeks more the. That’s longer than I suspect with tips of flowers now turning their stigmas? Browner from top down on the top of the buds they are half way down brown then as buds get lower or newer they are white completely or yellow or if they are a little older they have brown tips. But the tip tips have been consistently turning dark and shrinking maybe 1/3 of the entire stigma or what they are called.. ( I get mixed up still).

I feel they would be close and have milky amber trics by the 10 week mark for my counting flower stage. Which is 5 weeks away.? Do you think it will def need Atleast 8 more weeks? They were bag seeds but they have grown faster than most plants because they were topped low I assume and the later season meant colder contortions and they turned to flower early than if they were planted at the right time of the season here.

That’s my only issue being late season. Going longer than I need or can or that won’t produce anything bigger or better I assume on your perception this will be another 6-8 weeks instead of what I have marked for another 3 and a bit weeks = 8 weeks but I had planned to go till 10 weeks not 8 unless at 8 it’s ready with amber trics.. but you would know more than I and so for that I will aim to keep the feeding going nicely and give them more than I planned to boost the buds and keep it strong and healthy.

Thanks again
Bag seeds have no way to tell the flower time. Unfortunately.

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Bag seeds have no way to tell the flower time. Unfortunately.
I didn’t know this. So how long is the longest an outdoor Bag Seed could flower for? It does seem to be Sativa But maybe it’s Infica or crossed I wouldn’t know as I did hedge them like a newb.. cutting. Far too much off but luckily over long period of time.. still not helping my buds get as big as they could be NOW before bulking up.

Should I remove? Nitrogen now? As I use 2 liquid ferts that Aussies swear by. Being Seasol PowerFeed Green / Pro Natives and for flowering Potash Plus which is P/K at 2/14. The PowerFeed is 12/1.7/7 I think… now I dropped the dosing from the moderate amount in veg for the Powerfeed then flower I dropped down to now 1/3 or 1/4 the recommended dose or less… but I give it as it has ALL the elements and minerals like calcium magnesium iron all of them boron all that canna needs. Where Potash doesn’t have any of these elements maybe it has Calcium but I think it’s pure P/K… would not feeding Powerfeed Effect them without the main minerals as mentioned?? I can get the MSDS and or sheets on the website to share what’s inside them both? If needed but PF had about 10 minerals or whatever other than NPK.

they do look good and smell good and it already! Smokes good! They are cloudy milky trice with maybe 5% have SOME tiny bit of brown in them. Only the top lost also… and the stigmas are on top buds half way down red/brown/purple as is good and ripening but all the other are mostly white or yellow. Just for anyone’s assistance on continuing.

For last feed and last feeds we have given the 30x30cm pots 2LT with 2ml Power feed (recommended 30-90ml per 9 LT. or 3-9ml per 900ml. I fed 3-5ml per 900ml in veg. For flower much less at 1-2ml per 2LT. And the Potash Plus, I give 1-2ml per 1LT so I gave 3ml Potash in 2LT WITH the PowerFeed as it says it’s fine to mix and checked good sources.

Thanks ALL



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Tarp holding up fine after a week and 50-70km winds but I will be checking of course in wind and I tie it down or I can when it’s real windy but it’s a good spot that get little wind even under it it would take a lot of wind to test the tape also going up the wall. But thanks
Long way to go man yep def shouldn’t of cut all the leaves off and also that tarp gunna rip with a stiff fart breeze I reckon mate👍


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Longest will be 16-21 weeks sometimes up to 24 weekers to finish flowering...
I harvested on early 7.l”5 weeks had to die to cats Pilar I assumed mould and anyway was fine it had 1/8 amber and all cloudy so it’s fine have another one that will go all the way. Super resistant to himodity I’m south Victoria bro Australia I started MOD DECEMBER I SPROUTED AND Go1 one and had bad felony ( this was a male) so used 2 more and made 3 to be sure (thank fuck) and now the 2 I Lucky germed are females one is in jars the other on the lawn! Lol here are some
Pic the black pot was the one I harvested accidentally early I should have checked google but I stressed as Bud rot. I freaked lolz but they are almost resistant here the climate is winter it’s time to put in more soon lol!!

Check these
This was recent after harvest other
This was harvested bud I took a phot of 94AA002B-4350-4408-8732-C4F09CAB61B4.jpeg
Same hereFA4B89E2-22DA-46AF-B17C-92A9150126AF.jpeg
Same B66FBC91-C403-4ADA-B63C-9BF3BFF67C3B.jpeg
This was the lovely plant
Same here look so lovely white and shining from
It’s crystals!

That I pulled. But I still have one and this one gets me SMASHED not like medicinal
But straight it gets you blazed no doubt do for first time SO SO HAPPY! Lol

Old Ant

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I harvested on early 7.l”5 weeks had to die to cats Pilar I assumed mould and anyway was fine it had 1/8 amber and all cloudy so it’s fine have another one that will go all the way. Super resistant to himodity I’m south Victoria bro Australia I started MOD DECEMBER I SPROUTED AND Go1 one and had bad felony ( this was a male) so used 2 more and made 3 to be sure (thank fuck) and now the 2 I Lucky germed are females one is in jars the other on the lawn! Lol here are some
Pic the black pot was the one I harvested accidentally early I should have checked google but I stressed as Bud rot. I freaked lolz but they are almost resistant here the climate is winter it’s time to put in more soon lol!!

Check these
View attachment 34883
This was recent after harvest other
View attachment 34884
This was harvested bud I took a phot of View attachment 34885
Same hereView attachment 34886
Same View attachment 34887
This was the lovely plant
View attachment 34889
Same here look so lovely white and shining from
It’s crystals!
View attachment 34888

That I pulled. But I still have one and this one gets me SMASHED not like medicinal
But straight it gets you blazed no doubt do for first time SO SO HAPPY! Lol
Well done and congratulations on your first herbal harvest👍🏼😃
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