How long should my females take from now? To harvest?

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Is this true

hey?? Think itā€™s not right. As itā€™s to high Nitrogen?? I mean the HYDRO is better itā€™s 7/1.7/6 or something where the PRO and most available is 14/1.4/7 now to me for flowering thatā€™s way to heigh nitrogen?? Or am I being too scientific here? Will they just grow bigger?? Or whatā€™s the point of the nitrogen in flowering? I know WE NEED SOME NITROGEN in flower and I give low dose power feed and it also gives it the Seasol Seaweed solution that itā€™s mixed with!

But yeah I also want to know DOES POWERFEED WORK AS A preventative against fungi!? bud rot powdery mildew etc?? I read it can..?? I am hopeful it does..

What are your opinions on wet flowers from rain? And late season harvest? I should have harvested like 2 weeks ago. But I am new and went away in Last October to November and started them in December.. mid summer here. Iā€™m in Victoria SOUTH..
I donā€™t know if the flower plant genes are from outdoor or hydro but they are bag seeds.

How do you treat mould? Who uses Moll Water?? Spray on in sun?? Or is Potassium Bicarbonate far superior to milk water?? Thanks boss
Fuck me use spell check or something, this is my first post but fucking hell, what are u asking. Fuck your asking about power feed and u get your answers and then u write a book on worried about it raining on your buds, do some research online instead of asking questions about every fucking things tha happens, next you will be asking if powerfeed is ok again and again asking about rain on buds. Fuxk your annoying sorry

Kee Mao

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Fuck me use spell check or something, this is my first post but fucking hell, what are u asking. Fuck your asking about power feed and u get your answers and then u write a book on worried about it raining on your buds, do some research online instead of asking questions about every fucking things tha happens, next you will be asking if powerfeed is ok again and again asking about rain on buds. Fuxk your annoying sorry
Welcome to TSE 2dogs. Weā€™re a broad church.šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


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No he's just as fucking stupid as you!!
TLTR: Just see pic here below and tell me what you think if itā€™s better than nothing or itā€™s worse than nothing covering flowering plants in rain?

Ok well then much better šŸ˜…āœŒļø. Lol im sorry for the posts I went over board as a newb. I was panicking.

I worried over the last rain but not as much for covering and I didnā€™t have or know what or how or where to make a canopy for them. Anyway I checked them after heaps and have seen not found any Signs of mildew or mould or bud rot and Iā€™ve checked nearly every bud and every site with tweezers very carefully on the 3 days after the rain.

We just had MUCH better weather over the last 4 days that I expected or the weather changed.. now we have more rain TONIGHT 4 hours~ then tomorrow 12:01am on it rains for nearly 24 hours. So I was keen to get up a tarp or plastic and I managed to get some only issue I may have is that itā€™s clear so sun will penetrate it but itā€™s not super super clear itā€™s plastic clear I just donā€™t want them to get any kind of burns from rain drops on the plastic refracting light onto the plant? I have pics and yes I know itā€™s not anything super but it will do the job of keeping the plants dry from the rain with little chance it will get in on the front at the low point of the plastic.

But it might and if it does it will only hit the base or a tiny bit of one side stem cola. On each plant. The only issue possible is gale winds that rip the tarp off the wall that I had to duct tape it to.. all I had and sticky tape. But itā€™s secure the issue is wind getting under it and pushing it up might listen it but I have tied off some small tape through the fence holes to hold that side on the fence up a bit and for more cover from rain slipping in or down between the fence and the plastic.

Still I rather this than going out every cigarette and shaking them off as often as I could when it was raining lasts time and the plants as they are not dense with leaves (I made mistake of taking to many off toward the end of veg or into pre flower and into flower as I was more worried about mound and build ups but I didnā€™t know how important fans are but yeh anyway first time and they are lollipoped even though I didnā€™t know that was a tech lol they arenā€™t growing bigger at all they stopped 4 weeks ago or more maybe 6 as itā€™s noted Iā€™m at 6 weeks in 3 days. But thatā€™s 6 weeks from like first clearly visible flowers small budets not like some ā€œpre flowersā€ pictures show plants flowers at my 3 week flower as the beginning of True flower. Which if thatā€™s the case Iā€™m 1-2 weeks into proper flower,. But I believe Iā€™m coming close to the end or the half cycle of the 8-10 week flowering phase as the pistils are turings brown slowly from top down but many lower buds and buds on the sides are not that brown only the tips or even still white/yellow. Over the last 4 days of moderate sun (thank god) they have def grown a bit and turning into what look like small buds or crowns I mean. And for that Iā€™m so happy I didnā€™t pull as some said because Iā€™m so late., I know this and Iā€™ve done lots of research to keep them going for another 2-4 weeks which the weather should be fine with rain here and there but sun and clear days steady half or more of the time. Not idea for flowering as we want lots of sun like mid summer.. but for me first grow is a success already.

I could early harvest now with most trics at milky stage and some only very few have some tiny amber in them. But I wonā€™t Iā€™ll wait as long as it needs and when itā€™s just right and ripe I will cut it and hang it, which will be the next learning curve! Harvesting!

Ok update pics. Here are some from today under the tarp (started raining early) 3 hours early so I put them under it straight away. No more sun or only cloudy sun for rest of day,

Any info on this and I know itā€™s not always necessary or needed but I feel for the humidity and the amount of rain constantly tomorrow I donā€™t want my plant flushed either I want to get back to my regular feeding which will be day after tomorrow which if I left in rain I would have to wait 3-4 days to dry.. thatā€™s if the rain does stop. Which itā€™s meant to for another 4-5 days of clearer sun and some cloudy weather but no rain.

Again any assistance or ADVICE is really all Iā€™m looking for. I mean comments generally are fine of course but if you say stuff like ā€œCull!ā€ Maybe add a reason for why it would be good to cull them half way into flower when there is no visible evidence even inside buds or at damaged areas of mould or any fungal infection or disease. Yes I know mildew and bud rot can stay dormant until perfect conditions but they shouldnā€™t get those conditions as we arenā€™t going to be Warm rather colder than what mould likes. So that and the RH relative humidity is high tomorrow and Iā€™ll be watching for mildew after and during rain but I believe this little rain shade should help with the end product so I can dose it up on potash and and phosphorus and a light dose of nitrogen thatā€™s within a PowerFeed mix that had NPK and many micro and other organisms that my plants love and help protect them against disease and mould also. Which is why I think they are hardy in the rain and in my climate. As bag seeds or they are genetically great for outdoors and have resistances to mould and mildew in its dna/genetics. Which it likely the main reason I havenā€™t had or found mould from having them in rain up until today I didnā€™t protect the flowers or veg from rain. I didnā€™t know it was an issue in flower but soon realised it is or definitely can be.

Ok here is a pic of the set up . Should I move the tan pot over a little or is that plenty room between them where they are now? Is also made it so nothing touches any of the tarp or the shed or fence for damp spots or other issues.

Thanks again! šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØāœŒļø

If the thumbnail image is to small here is large image..


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Yes I have stopped
So anywhere between 8-16 weeks, from that picture upbove, and stop defoling it every timey you look at them.
defoliating them I did so after the last rain as I read removing some of the leaves overlapping and all that so I did take more off than I should have. For the photosynth and all the other factors leafs are needed for. As they would be bigger with more leaves but I was worried if we have much rain so late as Iā€™m like or started 2 + months lateā€¦ so the seasons are changing and I just didnā€™t want heavy or lots of rain to effect them and kill them with mould or rot. So I went very heavy removing and defliating at start flower and then again after last rain I couldnā€™t help it even though they could have been left on there.

You think 8-16 weeks from the pic of them under the shade?

They are obviously small plants I made them small and used smaller pots than larger and transplanted when I wanted them to get bigger. But I def made them smaller and wonā€™t be TP again.. itā€™s been close to 5 weeks of flower from the ā€œpre flowerā€ I assumed was Pre flower not any flower and counted from the first buds or flowers but I assume that was the pre flower stage? And or how long is pre flower? 1 week 4 weeks? As I early sexed them and was under impression when you saw the first calaxjs or signs itā€™s a true female was start of pre flower up until you had small buds?

Thanks for the help by the way! I appreciate it a lot and if itā€™s 8-16 weeks more the. Thatā€™s longer than I suspect with tips of flowers now turning their stigmas? Browner from top down on the top of the buds they are half way down brown then as buds get lower or newer they are white completely or yellow or if they are a little older they have brown tips. But the tip tips have been consistently turning dark and shrinking maybe 1/3 of the entire stigma or what they are called.. ( I get mixed up still).

I feel they would be close and have milky amber trics by the 10 week mark for my counting flower stage. Which is 5 weeks away.? Do you think it will def need Atleast 8 more weeks? They were bag seeds but they have grown faster than most plants because they were topped low I assume and the later season meant colder contortions and they turned to flower early than if they were planted at the right time of the season here.

Thatā€™s my only issue being late season. Going longer than I need or can or that wonā€™t produce anything bigger or better I assume on your perception this will be another 6-8 weeks instead of what I have marked for another 3 and a bit weeks = 8 weeks but I had planned to go till 10 weeks not 8 unless at 8 itā€™s ready with amber trics.. but you would know more than I and so for that I will aim to keep the feeding going nicely and give them more than I planned to boost the buds and keep it strong and healthy.

Thanks again

Love to grow

Foot man
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Long way to go man yep def shouldnā€™t of cut all the leaves off and also that tarp gunna rip with a stiff fart breeze I reckon matešŸ‘


The Dwarf Hermie King
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TLTR: Just see pic here below and tell me what you think if itā€™s better than nothing or itā€™s worse than nothing covering flowering plants in rain?
View attachment 33679

Ok well then much better šŸ˜…āœŒļø. Lol im sorry for the posts I went over board as a newb. I was panicking.

I worried over the last rain but not as much for covering and I didnā€™t have or know what or how or where to make a canopy for them. Anyway I checked them after heaps and have seen not found any Signs of mildew or mould or bud rot and Iā€™ve checked nearly every bud and every site with tweezers very carefully on the 3 days after the rain.

We just had MUCH better weather over the last 4 days that I expected or the weather changed.. now we have more rain TONIGHT 4 hours~ then tomorrow 12:01am on it rains for nearly 24 hours. So I was keen to get up a tarp or plastic and I managed to get some only issue I may have is that itā€™s clear so sun will penetrate it but itā€™s not super super clear itā€™s plastic clear I just donā€™t want them to get any kind of burns from rain drops on the plastic refracting light onto the plant? I have pics and yes I know itā€™s not anything super but it will do the job of keeping the plants dry from the rain with little chance it will get in on the front at the low point of the plastic.

But it might and if it does it will only hit the base or a tiny bit of one side stem cola. On each plant. The only issue possible is gale winds that rip the tarp off the wall that I had to duct tape it to.. all I had and sticky tape. But itā€™s secure the issue is wind getting under it and pushing it up might listen it but I have tied off some small tape through the fence holes to hold that side on the fence up a bit and for more cover from rain slipping in or down between the fence and the plastic.

Still I rather this than going out every cigarette and shaking them off as often as I could when it was raining lasts time and the plants as they are not dense with leaves (I made mistake of taking to many off toward the end of veg or into pre flower and into flower as I was more worried about mound and build ups but I didnā€™t know how important fans are but yeh anyway first time and they are lollipoped even though I didnā€™t know that was a tech lol they arenā€™t growing bigger at all they stopped 4 weeks ago or more maybe 6 as itā€™s noted Iā€™m at 6 weeks in 3 days. But thatā€™s 6 weeks from like first clearly visible flowers small budets not like some ā€œpre flowersā€ pictures show plants flowers at my 3 week flower as the beginning of True flower. Which if thatā€™s the case Iā€™m 1-2 weeks into proper flower,. But I believe Iā€™m coming close to the end or the half cycle of the 8-10 week flowering phase as the pistils are turings brown slowly from top down but many lower buds and buds on the sides are not that brown only the tips or even still white/yellow. Over the last 4 days of moderate sun (thank god) they have def grown a bit and turning into what look like small buds or crowns I mean. And for that Iā€™m so happy I didnā€™t pull as some said because Iā€™m so late., I know this and Iā€™ve done lots of research to keep them going for another 2-4 weeks which the weather should be fine with rain here and there but sun and clear days steady half or more of the time. Not idea for flowering as we want lots of sun like mid summer.. but for me first grow is a success already.

I could early harvest now with most trics at milky stage and some only very few have some tiny amber in them. But I wonā€™t Iā€™ll wait as long as it needs and when itā€™s just right and ripe I will cut it and hang it, which will be the next learning curve! Harvesting!

Ok update pics. Here are some from today under the tarp (started raining early) 3 hours early so I put them under it straight away. No more sun or only cloudy sun for rest of day,

Any info on this and I know itā€™s not always necessary or needed but I feel for the humidity and the amount of rain constantly tomorrow I donā€™t want my plant flushed either I want to get back to my regular feeding which will be day after tomorrow which if I left in rain I would have to wait 3-4 days to dry.. thatā€™s if the rain does stop. Which itā€™s meant to for another 4-5 days of clearer sun and some cloudy weather but no rain.

Again any assistance or ADVICE is really all Iā€™m looking for. I mean comments generally are fine of course but if you say stuff like ā€œCull!ā€ Maybe add a reason for why it would be good to cull them half way into flower when there is no visible evidence even inside buds or at damaged areas of mould or any fungal infection or disease. Yes I know mildew and bud rot can stay dormant until perfect conditions but they shouldnā€™t get those conditions as we arenā€™t going to be Warm rather colder than what mould likes. So that and the RH relative humidity is high tomorrow and Iā€™ll be watching for mildew after and during rain but I believe this little rain shade should help with the end product so I can dose it up on potash and and phosphorus and a light dose of nitrogen thatā€™s within a PowerFeed mix that had NPK and many micro and other organisms that my plants love and help protect them against disease and mould also. Which is why I think they are hardy in the rain and in my climate. As bag seeds or they are genetically great for outdoors and have resistances to mould and mildew in its dna/genetics. Which it likely the main reason I havenā€™t had or found mould from having them in rain up until today I didnā€™t protect the flowers or veg from rain. I didnā€™t know it was an issue in flower but soon realised it is or definitely can be.

Ok here is a pic of the set up . Should I move the tan pot over a little or is that plenty room between them where they are now? Is also made it so nothing touches any of the tarp or the shed or fence for damp spots or other issues.

Thanks again! šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØāœŒļø

If the thumbnail image is to small here is large image..
View attachment 33679
That is fucking awesome!! šŸ¤£

Kee Mao

User ID
TLTR: Just see pic here below and tell me what you think if itā€™s better than nothing or itā€™s worse than nothing covering flowering plants in rain?
View attachment 33679

Ok well then much better šŸ˜…āœŒļø. Lol im sorry for the posts I went over board as a newb. I was panicking.

I worried over the last rain but not as much for covering and I didnā€™t have or know what or how or where to make a canopy for them. Anyway I checked them after heaps and have seen not found any Signs of mildew or mould or bud rot and Iā€™ve checked nearly every bud and every site with tweezers very carefully on the 3 days after the rain.

We just had MUCH better weather over the last 4 days that I expected or the weather changed.. now we have more rain TONIGHT 4 hours~ then tomorrow 12:01am on it rains for nearly 24 hours. So I was keen to get up a tarp or plastic and I managed to get some only issue I may have is that itā€™s clear so sun will penetrate it but itā€™s not super super clear itā€™s plastic clear I just donā€™t want them to get any kind of burns from rain drops on the plastic refracting light onto the plant? I have pics and yes I know itā€™s not anything super but it will do the job of keeping the plants dry from the rain with little chance it will get in on the front at the low point of the plastic.

But it might and if it does it will only hit the base or a tiny bit of one side stem cola. On each plant. The only issue possible is gale winds that rip the tarp off the wall that I had to duct tape it to.. all I had and sticky tape. But itā€™s secure the issue is wind getting under it and pushing it up might listen it but I have tied off some small tape through the fence holes to hold that side on the fence up a bit and for more cover from rain slipping in or down between the fence and the plastic.

Still I rather this than going out every cigarette and shaking them off as often as I could when it was raining lasts time and the plants as they are not dense with leaves (I made mistake of taking to many off toward the end of veg or into pre flower and into flower as I was more worried about mound and build ups but I didnā€™t know how important fans are but yeh anyway first time and they are lollipoped even though I didnā€™t know that was a tech lol they arenā€™t growing bigger at all they stopped 4 weeks ago or more maybe 6 as itā€™s noted Iā€™m at 6 weeks in 3 days. But thatā€™s 6 weeks from like first clearly visible flowers small budets not like some ā€œpre flowersā€ pictures show plants flowers at my 3 week flower as the beginning of True flower. Which if thatā€™s the case Iā€™m 1-2 weeks into proper flower,. But I believe Iā€™m coming close to the end or the half cycle of the 8-10 week flowering phase as the pistils are turings brown slowly from top down but many lower buds and buds on the sides are not that brown only the tips or even still white/yellow. Over the last 4 days of moderate sun (thank god) they have def grown a bit and turning into what look like small buds or crowns I mean. And for that Iā€™m so happy I didnā€™t pull as some said because Iā€™m so late., I know this and Iā€™ve done lots of research to keep them going for another 2-4 weeks which the weather should be fine with rain here and there but sun and clear days steady half or more of the time. Not idea for flowering as we want lots of sun like mid summer.. but for me first grow is a success already.

I could early harvest now with most trics at milky stage and some only very few have some tiny amber in them. But I wonā€™t Iā€™ll wait as long as it needs and when itā€™s just right and ripe I will cut it and hang it, which will be the next learning curve! Harvesting!

Ok update pics. Here are some from today under the tarp (started raining early) 3 hours early so I put them under it straight away. No more sun or only cloudy sun for rest of day,

Any info on this and I know itā€™s not always necessary or needed but I feel for the humidity and the amount of rain constantly tomorrow I donā€™t want my plant flushed either I want to get back to my regular feeding which will be day after tomorrow which if I left in rain I would have to wait 3-4 days to dry.. thatā€™s if the rain does stop. Which itā€™s meant to for another 4-5 days of clearer sun and some cloudy weather but no rain.

Again any assistance or ADVICE is really all Iā€™m looking for. I mean comments generally are fine of course but if you say stuff like ā€œCull!ā€ Maybe add a reason for why it would be good to cull them half way into flower when there is no visible evidence even inside buds or at damaged areas of mould or any fungal infection or disease. Yes I know mildew and bud rot can stay dormant until perfect conditions but they shouldnā€™t get those conditions as we arenā€™t going to be Warm rather colder than what mould likes. So that and the RH relative humidity is high tomorrow and Iā€™ll be watching for mildew after and during rain but I believe this little rain shade should help with the end product so I can dose it up on potash and and phosphorus and a light dose of nitrogen thatā€™s within a PowerFeed mix that had NPK and many micro and other organisms that my plants love and help protect them against disease and mould also. Which is why I think they are hardy in the rain and in my climate. As bag seeds or they are genetically great for outdoors and have resistances to mould and mildew in its dna/genetics. Which it likely the main reason I havenā€™t had or found mould from having them in rain up until today I didnā€™t protect the flowers or veg from rain. I didnā€™t know it was an issue in flower but soon realised it is or definitely can be.

Ok here is a pic of the set up . Should I move the tan pot over a little or is that plenty room between them where they are now? Is also made it so nothing touches any of the tarp or the shed or fence for damp spots or other issues.

Thanks again! šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØāœŒļø

If the thumbnail image is to small here is large image..
View attachment 33679
Have a look at Bunnings,they have cheap greenhouses that are a bit more sturdy.


The man your mother warned you about.
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Yes I have stopped

defoliating them I did so after the last rain as I read removing some of the leaves overlapping and all that so I did take more off than I should have. For the photosynth and all the other factors leafs are needed for. As they would be bigger with more leaves but I was worried if we have much rain so late as Iā€™m like or started 2 + months lateā€¦ so the seasons are changing and I just didnā€™t want heavy or lots of rain to effect them and kill them with mould or rot. So I went very heavy removing and defliating at start flower and then again after last rain I couldnā€™t help it even though they could have been left on there.

You think 8-16 weeks from the pic of them under the shade?

They are obviously small plants I made them small and used smaller pots than larger and transplanted when I wanted them to get bigger. But I def made them smaller and wonā€™t be TP again.. itā€™s been close to 5 weeks of flower from the ā€œpre flowerā€ I assumed was Pre flower not any flower and counted from the first buds or flowers but I assume that was the pre flower stage? And or how long is pre flower? 1 week 4 weeks? As I early sexed them and was under impression when you saw the first calaxjs or signs itā€™s a true female was start of pre flower up until you had small buds?

Thanks for the help by the way! I appreciate it a lot and if itā€™s 8-16 weeks more the. Thatā€™s longer than I suspect with tips of flowers now turning their stigmas? Browner from top down on the top of the buds they are half way down brown then as buds get lower or newer they are white completely or yellow or if they are a little older they have brown tips. But the tip tips have been consistently turning dark and shrinking maybe 1/3 of the entire stigma or what they are called.. ( I get mixed up still).

I feel they would be close and have milky amber trics by the 10 week mark for my counting flower stage. Which is 5 weeks away.? Do you think it will def need Atleast 8 more weeks? They were bag seeds but they have grown faster than most plants because they were topped low I assume and the later season meant colder contortions and they turned to flower early than if they were planted at the right time of the season here.

Thatā€™s my only issue being late season. Going longer than I need or can or that wonā€™t produce anything bigger or better I assume on your perception this will be another 6-8 weeks instead of what I have marked for another 3 and a bit weeks = 8 weeks but I had planned to go till 10 weeks not 8 unless at 8 itā€™s ready with amber trics.. but you would know more than I and so for that I will aim to keep the feeding going nicely and give them more than I planned to boost the buds and keep it strong and healthy.

Thanks again
Forget all about the first white hairs growing from the stem where branches begin ,

count from the white hairs that grow from the tips of the plant ..

donā€™t know how you came up with 8-10 weeks of flowering if it is bag seed ,,not all strains are the same ,,some can be as low as 6 weeks ,others anything from 12 to 16 or even up to 20 plus weeks
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