Gawler SA.

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Gawler,,I once lived there, my Daughter wanted a ride on my bike,,so I lifted her up & placed her on the tank, officer plod didn't like that idea, & wanted us to walk home, I explained she had crook lungs, & couldn't walk far, meanwhile she started crying uncontrollably,,I asked Mr Plod if he would drive her home, I'd follow, her eyes lit up, in she got, on came the siren , it was only 1 k up the road, he pulled into my driveway, right up against a lattice "fence", I freaked, 'cos on the other side of the lattice was a 1/2 wine barrel, & yep,,1m tall plant in it,,,he didn't see it,,,,
Part 2
I left the wife after managing to get my old job back, I'd had enough of her, & spot welding Holdens together,,borrowed a 3 ton truck , loaded my possessions, including the wine barrel & it's now flowering contents which was disguised as a poly tarp teepee,,,

As I drove onto my old/new home town, I got pulled over by officer plod's 'lation, who was also poor sighted, apparently, as he let me continue on my way .

Its was from the last of my fave beans, and did the job well shortly after,,,,,,
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