Fungas gnats


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I done that and it started to go moldy and I freaked out cause it's next to my flowering tent and scraped it off
That’s what happened when I used it too.

How much did you use? I just give it a light dusting, you can barely notice it if it wasn't for the distinctive smell. Then I mix 2 tablespoons into 1L of water and use that as a soil drench once a week for 2 weeks. Touch wood, I've never had any mold problems due to the neem meal 🤷‍♂️

I have also used it to successfully de-gnat a bag of Rocky Point Coco Pro that was infested, by mixing a cup through the bag and letting it sit for a week... came out gnat free. They seem to really hate the stuff.

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I used about a 1 cm layer on top of the medium ,,
And got different coloured moulds that formed into a large clump.
was ugly looking shit.


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Sticky traps will never control the cunts.

I used Maldison when I had them. Knocked em out pretty quick..


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How much did you use? I just give it a light dusting, you can barely notice it if it wasn't for the distinctive smell. Then I mix 2 tablespoons into 1L of water and use that as a soil drench once a week for 2 weeks. Touch wood, I've never had any mold problems due to the neem meal 🤷‍♂️

I have also used it to successfully de-gnat a bag of Rocky Point Coco Pro that was infested, by mixing a cup through the bag and letting it sit for a week... came out gnat free. They seem to really hate the stuff.
I done the same as Sedge about 1cm and it got white stringy mold


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Never going to get them all anyway , if yellow cards can't slow them down or at least make a big dent you're only hope is to keep next grow gnat free this 1 already gone for far to eliminate

They usually already have eggs hiding in medium you buy , or make , if this is case it's going to be a endless cycle
BTI fucks them it gets in there gut and smokes them in about 12 hours and if you use it weekly the level of BTI stays high enough that they hatch start eating and pretty much die I used to use mosquito bits but there not water soluble and work slower I've always got the cunts inside because I've got 3 beer taps and unless I clean the drip try after every pour (who can be fucked doing that) the cunts are always around somewhere I don't have problem in flower room because that gets bottom fed it's only always in my veg tent where I don't have the room for bigger pots


Sultan Of Soil
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although top dressing can be allot more forgiving than bottle feeding
1cm thick of neem meal is a bit too much imo

the white fury beard " mould " you possibly saw was most likely benificial
different color mould can be good or bad depending on the color
green can be an indication of trichoderma & beneficial
black or red could be worrying , pink could be PNSB purple non sulfur bacteria = good

for soil growers some things to try would be neem meal but not as much as 1cm think ( pikey amounts (y) )
mustard seed meal , definitely don't use to much of this cause it will cause problems for ya plant
top dressing some castings will also help with possible nematodes found in castings , especially fresh homemade castings
even the enzymes found in malted barley seed powder top dressed can be helpful as well

if you have a thriving soil life gnats should be kept in check naturally , you'll see a few but not get out of hand

Maldison probably not a great choice bill especially if your spraying it & Not using a mask while spraying = not good for ya


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How much did you use? I just give it a light dusting, you can barely notice it if it wasn't for the distinctive smell. Then I mix 2 tablespoons into 1L of water and use that as a soil drench once a week for 2 weeks. Touch wood, I've never had any mold problems due to the neem meal 🤷‍♂️

I have also used it to successfully de-gnat a bag of Rocky Point Coco Pro that was infested, by mixing a cup through the bag and letting it sit for a week... came out gnat free. They seem to really hate the stuff.
Is neem meal and neem cake the same shit


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Predatory mites work great, as do predatory nematodes... I'd always scrape the top layer of soil off, then sprinkle Neem meal and a layer of fresh worm castings. Then apply nematodes, then hypoaspis miles predatory mites. Don't over/underwater. They will go away


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Predatory mites work great, as do predatory nematodes... I'd always scrape the top layer of soil off, then sprinkle Neem meal and a layer of fresh worm castings. Then apply nematodes, then hypoaspis miles predatory mites. Don't over/underwater. They will go away
And when I say topdress, I mean half a cup per 50L of soil. Scratch it in lightly into the top cm or so of soil.
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