Fuck I love being able to make fem seed..!!

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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If I understand correctly, fem seeds allow for more recessive traits to express themselves. So say if you were used to regular breeding, and breeding for dominant traits, fems would seem too unpredictable when there's potentially more variations.
Breeders running fems to IBL, or at least stabilised, would have a different viewpoint, Even regular breeders need to use a fem plant at some stage.

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Just to chime in with my 2c - as a newbie grower still I prefer regular seeds for the potential to also grow a killer male like @Pikey has here -

to use the pollen in my own breeding ventures 🤷🏻‍♂️ in saying that I still haven't actually popped a male in 4 reg seeds 🤣

Although fem seeds are still so good to be able to produce 😎 keen to try it when I find something I like.


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Breeders running fems to IBL, or at least stabilised, would have a different viewpoint, Even regular breeders need to use a fem plant at some stage.
Why would a regular chucker ever need a feminised plant ?

No they would never " need " a feminised seed nor would they use one

Been making my own seed for a long ,long time and never needed a feminised plant , and never had hermies


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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My opinion only but I reckon that for the average home grower looking to only grow for themselves or others , then fems are probably the better option simply for the convenience of not needing to grow extra plants that may be males anyway.
However if you are ( like myself ) looking for a once in a lifetime phenotype then reg seeds are the better option
to find that diamond in the rough. More variation and genetic diversity .


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For me it's not finding the diamond

It's growing the types of buds and plants that I like to smoke with some consistency
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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Why would a regular chucker ever need a feminised plant ?

No they would never " need " a feminised seed nor would they use one

Been making my own seed for a long ,long time and never needed a feminised plant , and never had hermies
I didn't say feminised seed, you did . I said female plant.


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I didn't say feminised seed, you did . I said female plant.

Breeders running fems to IBL, or at least stabilised, would have a different viewpoint, Even regular breeders need to use a fem plant at some stage.
You said "fem plant". I got what you meant, but having already used the term "fem" in the sentence to refer to feminised plants there's no wonder there was confusion 🤷‍♂️.


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"Even regular breeders need to use a fem plant at some stage."

Well, that's just stupid then , how else would you get seeds without using a female plant ,in that context you meant feminised


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Breeders running fems to IBL, or at least stabilised, would have a different viewpoint, Even regular breeders need to use a fem plant at some stage.
Why would a regular chucker ever need a feminised plant ?

No they would never " need " a feminised seed nor would they use one

Been making my own seed for a long ,long time and never needed a feminised plant , and never had hermies
No, you assumed an incorrect context, and now you want to blame me for your misinterpretation.
Plenty of breeders have and still do use feminised seeds to breed with,,
you only gotta look at all the strains that that are made up of clone only strains ,
when you see something with green crack in it you have a clone only feminised seed used in it’s makeup.

And then if you get a great pheno that was found from regular seeds how do you reckon they can reproduce that particular pheno ?which at the stage of finding it ,it is a clone only strain,?

The answer is by selfing : making feminised seeds from the clones
selecting to original pheno then working on it..

I thought that was simple basic knowledge any self respecting breeder ,or even chucker should atleast be familiar with.

Plenty of breeders use feminised seeds in their breeding ,,


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Again you only see what you want to see
Regular seed breeders don't use feminised seeds
So called breeders may , if you are producing Regular seeds they will come from Regular
I'm sure some ppl , me included have used a Stable feminised plant and crossed with a Regular male
That wasn't what was said , by the way I'm sure old fox is bog enough to speak for himself
I hardly think you are the expert you seem to think you are , nor do I know it all but to continually think you are superior in knowledge and person. Well that's normal, narcissist
You certainly think you are far my superior in all ways lol

Anyway I couldn't be bothered wasting time arguing with you, especially when you weren't mentioned but felt the need to have a go at me , why
Surely they big enough to talk for themselves
I wonder what 7east would say they a site sponsor, pretty sure from what they've said they don't use feminised seeds
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This is by the way a thread about feminised seeds.
So I will participate in it regardless if you Like it or not.

And if you don’t want to argue with me ,then why the name calling ,,?
Narcissistic ? Really?
yesterday you called someone a Fuckwit ,,,which is as usual ,,you resorting to name calling. ( and that only covers two days of your posts)
Then when I try to put a stop to it you resorted to calling me a Proud boy ,,
A pretty piss poor and unoriginal attempt at baiting me .

yep Old fox can look after himself ,,even if you think I was looking after him.

This is for you to read @Madmick
you might learn about yourself from it ,,



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Mr 7 has said before he hates hermies with a passion… and I recall him saying fems are more likely to herm..

Personally… there are more options with Regs but they are a pain if you can only have a small number of plants..

Nice to have both options..
Any breeding project can herm without correct protocols and stabilisation even male/female breeding like 7E does.


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You would have to be most narcissist person I've ever had to displeasure of not meeting

Learn about myself, really
You got the God syndrome bad

Proud boy , not my description, but it fits

In your great wisdom you let a cleary racist topic be posted , then supported the OP who posted it

You have continually posted references to what could only he called racist , facts quoted that were dismissed as rubbish 20yrs ago

You have stated your 8 yr old niece is smarter , clearly a narcissistic remark

Do you honestly think because ppl stay quiet they agree with you ?

I'm afraid not.

The Tan grant thread would not have even allowed to be posted on any other site

The OP would have at least be warned about posting threads with clearly racist comments

But you thought it was OK

I don't really think I need to say anymore , it was a reflection of your beliefs

And whether you think so or not , most the ppl here think you're a nutter

Now you can ban me , but plenty here will still think the same , take your free seeds and then stab you in the back

Don't worry I'll show myself to the door

As to your reply ,blah blah blah

You're a joke


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Looking forward to the day that a part of someone's make up, doesn't define them. Many wear that shit like a badge and come across as a warrior for their cause. That more often than not, it makes them come across bitter 'n twisted, and probably do more damage to their cause than they intend, with some folk.

Get over yourselves. There's more to you than being a Fat Cunt, Gay, from a particular race, or someone with a disability, and so on. Don't let this shit consume oneself, there's much more to you than one aspect of your life/make up.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Looking forward to the day that a part of someone's make up, doesn't define them. Many wear that shit like a badge and come across as a warrior for their cause. That more often than not, it makes them come across bitter 'n twisted, and probably do more damage to their cause than they intend, with some folk.

Get over yourselves. There's more to you than being a Fat Cunt, Gay, from a particular race, or someone with a disability, and so on. Don't let this shit consume oneself, there's much more to you than one aspect of your life/make up.
This apply to conspiracy theorists and right wing supremacy too mate? 🤔
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