consumer trimming machines


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Vevor brand mentioned in the above post, they come with different grates for wet or dry trimming.
Yeah those grates are useless. The blade spinning underneath is about 10mm away so all the leaf is only trimmed down to around that. The spiderfarmer is the wire grate as pictured in my vevor one. The gearbox shat itself after about 5 pounds. So i bought the vevor unit thinking it looked better built. But When I realised how shit the vevor one was I used the screen and blade out of the spider farmer version. It was a bit of dicking around but wasn't to hard to convert

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Thought I do a little demo of my bud trimmer at work. It was a bit awkward using it one handed and filming but you get the gist of it. This is a vevo one it didn't work as well as the spider farmer model the screen although looked awsome the blade underneath was to far away. I still had the old spider so I retroed the screen and blade into this. This is a better design over all with the hopper on the side to kick the buds out when you open but the spider does a better job. Does knock some tric's off but saves a fuckload of time, I love it ( well now after i
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redesigned it)
Looks pretty good but sounds like ol eddie scissorhands havin a bat lol šŸ˜†
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