
QLD guy

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Post to your hearts content mate..thats just beautiful..

Bob are those trays beneath the pot to catch the water or so you dont have to water as often because the plant can wick up the water...I am getting sick of having to water my outdoor potted plants twice a day at the moment..looking for a solution so they dont dry out as quick...

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Post to your hearts content mate..thats just beautiful..

Bob are those trays beneath the pot to catch the water or so you dont have to water as often because the plant can wick up the water...I am getting sick of having to water my outdoor potted plants twice a day at the moment..looking for a solution so they dont dry out as quick...
That’s not so bad to do if in veg ,but they can get wet feet if in flower ,,.if it’s only for an hour or two you should be fine .

afghan bob

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Post to your hearts content mate..thats just beautiful..

Bob are those trays beneath the pot to catch the water or so you dont have to water as often because the plant can wick up the water...I am getting sick of having to water my outdoor potted plants twice a day at the moment..looking for a solution so they dont dry out as quick...
Yeah mate gotta couple of real thirsty girls that wont stop gulping
Probs using at least twice what i'm giving other plants
Even when those trays fill with over run, 2 hrs later it's gone
Like Sedge said u dont wanna leave girls sitting with wet feet but the days we having here lately wont allow it
And by using those trays it brings those plants into line with the rest of em
Boot camp 4 plants

QLD guy

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Sedge its just like Bob as a bastard at the moment and a couple of times I have let the leaves droop a bit with lack of water stress just because they are drying out crazy fast...thought those saucers might help during the heat of the day as I hate seeing them suffer while they are budding now...with these filthy tropical hot sunny days and a light potting mix I cant even leave them to get a day out at the reef fishing without worrying they will be half dead upon return....I'll grab some of those trays/saucers tomorrow and give them a go..and thanks for all the advice guys..I am a bit of a procrastinator so this forum is very helpful. :)
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If you don't have the catcher under the pots, outside, eventually the water will run down the inside of the pot and will not penetrate the potting mix thoroughly. You will probably find that when you water with the catchers underneath that if you leave the runoff there the pot will soak it up, if that happens then the pots were not being watered adequately, to begin with. Hence why they are drying out so fast.


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When potting mix gets dry it contracts away from the edge of the pot. If you water and see runoff straight away then most of the water you are applying is not getting to the roots. When pots are fully hydrated the potting mix will swell again. If unsure just water the pot from the bottom out of the catcher until it stops sucking up water. Just be sure and dump the excess once they stop drinking and try and protect your pots from direct afternoon sunlight.

QLD guy

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If you don't have the catcher under the pots, outside, eventually the water will run down the inside of the pot and will not penetrate the potting mix thoroughly. You will probably find that when you water with the catchers underneath that if you leave the runoff there the pot will soak it up, if that happens then the pots were not being watered adequately, to begin with. Hence why they are drying out so fast.
Its a good point you make and I certainly have seen mixs that exhibit that very behaviour either from the start or after a fully dry out experience....however the wettability of my mix is not the issue here...

Its a combination of me making it up too light, the size and water needs of the plants, the size of the pot (430mm-I dont want to pot on now they are budding..) and aside from the heatwave conditions as you mention that heat and sun on the outside of the black pots is not a good thing I do have some cardboard loosely around the pots but the ambient air temp is nearing 35 degrees for much of the day....I have even thought of digging a hole/ pit and placing the pot somewhat under the earth to moderate the temps on the pot/root zone...

I need to find some solution as I'm sure it will cause the plants to mature earlier with less density and weight of buds..
Its the first time I have grown plants to maturity in pots for nearly 30 years so its an eye opener...the couple of smaller auto's I have are almost finished are relatively easy but its these larger, longer season photperiod plants that are the real challenge..

afghan bob

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Maybe give fabric pots a try
Will keep ure roots cooler than plastic
Whack some sorta mulch on top too

Old Ant

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So anyone know what happened 2 Cannavault ?
They had some good stuff
Hey afghan bob, have no idea what happened to Cannavault, think maybe he just quit while he was ahead so to speak or got a tipoff that the 👮‍♂️ were getting close to confirming his identity and location so he split rudy before he ended up in another kind of vault 🤷‍♂️. Speculation aside the Moby Dick I mentioned as one of my favs was from him and the Pink Runtz which is the next one going in soon are the only flavours I managed to get on his first and last anniversary sale☹️ Thankfully they were both five packs so still got 4 of Moby and 5 of Pink to hopefully get some pollen ( STS ) off of when I learn how🤣🤞


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So anyone know what happened 2 Cannavault ?
They had some good stuff
Have been wondering where they got to myself Bob, I got a few not bad batches from c'vault as well..From memory alien x gorilla glue and their peanut butter breath strains.. Both were really nice and both were pretty stable and easy to grow as well even for a boofhead like me 🙃
I was pretty dissapointed when they shut shop I gotta say..
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