Another LED to go with my exiting one


User ID
So someone paid your initial asking price

Apr 13, 2022

Far out, no way man, the absolute lowest I'll even consider is $600 a piece

You weren't even prepared to barter

Now out of principle I won't go above my initial offer , probably would have settled at $450

Shove that now , hammer it is

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Ganja Kaiser

User ID
So someone paid your initial asking price

Apr 13, 2022

Far out, no way man, the absolute lowest I'll even consider is $600 a piece

You weren't even prepared to barter

Now out of principle I won't go above my initial offer , probably would have settled at $450

Shove that now , hammer it is
You've only ever offered a firm $300 including delivery champ. You're not buying, do move along and argue with someone else. Not interested in your toxic shit, if I wanted that I'd of kept my woman. 👍


User ID
I GUARANTEE the light works and QBL are honouring warranty - comes with receipt as well. It's done one grow. I'm not asking too much. I'm not selling it for any less than my asking price. You don't want to pay it, fine, don't. But I'll take a fucking hammer to it before I let some cunt try and pay peanuts by taking advantage of my situation. $500 delivered, take it or leave it. No I don't care if you reply 'leave it'. Fuck I feel unhinged.
Fuck what a sook. Would rather put a hammer through it than negotiate on used goods.


User ID
Mate, you approached me , I told you what I'd pay for and you have the reasons why and told my offer would stand , yet you pm me with same price weeks later , why when I already told you what I'd pay ?

For the record I offered 300 + freight , to me that's what it's worth

If your price was so great why do you still have it ?

Regardless what guarantee you give , don't mean shit , you'll be gone

Take a hammer to it , who cares
$300+ post isn’t an unfair price imo.


User ID
You've only ever offered a firm $300 including delivery champ. You're not buying, do move along and argue with someone else. Not interested in your toxic shit, if I wanted that I'd of kept my woman. 👍
Really, no wonder she left , you left me no room with your statement pal

So let's see how desperate you were
I'd be happy for you to pay it off just so I can ship it to you and get it out of here. Let me know, no pressure. "

That's when I said $300 firm , cash no paying off

Fucking hammer it

No compromise, sound familiar

Ganja Kaiser

User ID
Really, no wonder she left , you left me no room with your statement pal

So let's see how desperate you were
I'd be happy for you to pay it off just so I can ship it to you and get it out of here. Let me know, no pressure. "

That's when I said $300 firm , cash no paying off

Fucking hammer it

No compromise, sound familiar
Finished yet? Or must you have the last word? Fucking dickhead. Get it through your STUPID FUCKING HEAD - You're not having it for peanuts, if that pissed you off so much, go see a fucking shrink. 😳

Ganja Kaiser

User ID
Well since half my grow area just had about a metre of water through it and I’ve had to dispose of it Ill be spending some of my government disaster money in a few tents and probably a few lights to go with them. Not yours but way to expensive.
I hear the Amazon stuff might help be in your price range. :)
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