A question about power meters

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Ergon. Was a deal the QLD state gov had yonks ago. Pretty hard to pass up at the time. I think it expires in 2028.
Fuck that's good!! 3.5x better than what I'm getting!!
28c pkwh is my peak cost what is yours mate??


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Same, at the moment. I think

EDIT: $0.24349 kw (flat rate), and a daily connection fee of $0.99449

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I've got an old meter with the spinning disk thingy and a hole drilled in the top after the meter is read I put a skewer in there put pressure on and it stops the meter spinning and blue tack the cunt and leave it like that for 2.5 weeks when I'm growing and it cancels out the running cost of my set-up. the meter is up high so you can't see the top


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
I've got an old meter with the spinning disk thingy and a hole drilled in the top after the meter is read I put a skewer in there put pressure on and it stops the meter spinning and blue tack the cunt and leave it like that for 2.5 weeks when I'm growing and it cancels out the running cost of my set-up. the meter is up high so you can't see the top
Yeah I just used to disconnect the neutral wire on my spinning one at me old place!!
Actually forgot to put the wire back on for about 8 months at one stage.
Got 2 bills of about $180.
Was fucking great!! šŸ¤£


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I have a One of these It's really handy it's just attaches to your metre a Box reads the little blinking light and translates that into something that an app on your phone can use to tell you how much how you're drawing in real time and how much it will cost They must be getting paid in energy credits or some shit like they do the light bulbs because they're totally free There's some sort of recommend a friend link which is what I just used But in all honesty they're probaly gonna be gift cards for some shit store that you've never shopped at and you can only use one at a time with a purchase over a certain amount of some shit lol Like those little wine gift cards you're find in the mail
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