What Are You Watching?


The man your mother warned you about.
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Still upset I banned you
and still a butt hurt troll

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Not upset, because I have never been banned.
How stupid are you?
You have the attitude of somebody who has been in jail for many decades
The law of the jungle and all that.
You are amongst the free now you can drop that charade.


Resident Celebrity
User ID
I used his words, did you give the moderator a little piece of your mind as well?
I don't have to tell Sedge what I think, he knows me.

Although, I don't give a fuck if other people are accusing you of being someone else, it doesn't matter to me. Just don't be a cunt to my mates and we'll be fine.

What you have between them and you makes no difference to me. Just calm the fuck down.
Pick your battles, it's quite simple.


User ID
I don't have to tell Sedge what I think, he knows me.

Although, I don't give a fuck if other people are accusing you of being someone else, it doesn't matter to me. Just don't be a cunt to my mates and we'll be fine.

What you have between them and you makes no difference to me. Just calm the fuck down.
Pick your battles, it's quite simple.
Fuck off idiot....


User ID
I can tell you are one of his friends, you barely have a command of the English language.
Is English your second language?


Resident Celebrity
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LOL, you've got to come up with better jokes than that to rattle me.
That was weak as fuck, in fact it was like you borrowed the same jokes from this other retarded person who used to post here.

I can't remember his name though because he doesn't matter to me, but someone here will know who I mean.
We live chatted once and I told him to write his insult down and get his mum to stick on the fridge so she'd be proud of him, there were a few people in the live chat at the time so if anyone remembers the name of that clown, please let him know that we've hit a new low bar for retardedness over here.


User ID
LOL, you've got to come up with better jokes than that to rattle me.
That was weak as fuck, in fact it was like you borrowed the same jokes from this other retarded person who used to post here.

I can't remember his name though because he doesn't matter to me, but someone here will know who I mean.
We live chatted once and I told him to write his insult down and get his mum to stick on the fridge so she'd be proud of him, there were a few people in the live chat at the time so if anyone remembers the name of that clown, please let him know that we've hit a new low bar for retardedness over here.
Thanks for that, any more useless information you would like to pass on, or shall we book a table?


Resident Celebrity
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I remember practising by myself at South Hurstville RSL on their tables, they only had snooker tables with rounded corners, but it taught me to kill it when you were at the pub on a smaller table with edged pockets.
We fucking rocked it back in those days, chuck $2 in to the table and spend the next 10 hours drinking and playing the next people.

Fuck, I need to go back to Sydney, 'cos Canberra doesn't have enough pool tables. I fucking love that game :D


User ID
My exact experience at Ag college. They had a snooker table on campus that a friend and I practiced on and then Friday night in the pub we were unbeatable. We held the table for the entire year. Great fun!


Resident Celebrity
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My exact experience at Ag college. They had a snooker table on campus that a friend and I practiced on and then Friday night in the pub we were unbeatable. We held the table for the entire year. Great fun!
Yep, same with my mate and I back in the day at Morty Pub, they had 2 tables and we quickly made a pact with old Earl, that this is our table and that other one is yours 'cos we knew that if we played each other then someone's going to have to pay for another game so it's best that we just all run each table and let the suckers keep paying for games.

I dropped into Morty a few years ago and they've got a plaque for Earl now so he's dead but not forgotten.


Resident Celebrity
User ID
What am I watching right now?
I'm watching a screenshot of something that's giving me mixed emotions.

In one way I'm heaps happy that he got sent down for 2 years on top of his remand time served, but on the other hand I'm angry and sad that this whole thing ever happened to my mates.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I don't get emotional about anything really, I've seen/done enough to make life one more hurdle in... well... life.

But this cunt here, this cunt here got what he deserved, and if the boys on the yard want to give him a flogging then be my guest.

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What am I watching right now?
I'm watching a screenshot of something that's giving me mixed emotions.

In one way I'm heaps happy that he got sent down for 2 years on top of his remand time served, but on the other hand I'm angry and sad that this whole thing ever happened to my mates.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I don't get emotional about anything really, I've seen/done enough to make life one more hurdle in... well... life.

But this cunt here, this cunt here got what he deserved, and if the boys on the yard want to give him a flogging then be my guest.

View attachment 28755
what a dog cunt, proper dog cunt


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
What am I watching right now?
I'm watching a screenshot of something that's giving me mixed emotions.

In one way I'm heaps happy that he got sent down for 2 years on top of his remand time served, but on the other hand I'm angry and sad that this whole thing ever happened to my mates.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I don't get emotional about anything really, I've seen/done enough to make life one more hurdle in... well... life.

But this cunt here, this cunt here got what he deserved, and if the boys on the yard want to give him a flogging then be my guest.

View attachment 28755
Just another weak woman bashing piece of shit!!
Unfortunately there is heaps of em out there!!
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