TSE 'Good Eats' Thread

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Goonie Goat

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That stove top looks kick ass 😍 bake looks awesome too
Thanks installed it myself. just an eBay special paid about $120 for it but does the job, the other one I replaced was filthy as and would randomly blow up when cooking over.

Basically got to a point where I was so conditioned to the jump scares that any loud sudden noise no longer effected me 🤣


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The guy in the commercial was a British comedian from the 1970's ('Whatever happened to the likely lads"), but the term has become a pejorative due to the American influence on the word (no idea how it originated).

Faggots are actually bloody good eating & tasty, as long as you can get your head past what they're made from (much like Haggis). It must be an Aussie aversion to eating offal. I can't get the Mrs to eat steak & kidney pie/pud, even 'though they're both great. The mental shutters just come down:(

Harry bootlace

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The guy in the commercial was a British comedian from the 1970's ('Whatever happened to the likely lads"), but the term has become a pejorative due to the American influence on the word (no idea how it originated).

Faggots are actually bloody good eating & tasty, as long as you can get your head past what they're made from (much like Haggis). It must be an Aussie aversion to eating offal. I can't get the Mrs to eat steak & kidney pie/pud, even 'though they're both great. The mental shutters just come down:(
i had Vaggis in scotland. ( vegan haggis )
i mean apart from the stomach casing its mostly vegan anyway. was very good.
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