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OK, I just went & checked the neglected tubs for you.

It looks like the Cascade isn't going to play, as there are no bines above the surface this year. So, I have Goldings, Fuggles, Mt Hood, Hallertauer Hersbrucker & Chinook available.

If anyone's interested, I'm happy to dig-up the crowns & send-out 'zome cuts for the cost of postage (probably about $15). PM me to haggle:)

Galaxy was very popular many years ago, but you can't get 'zomes of it, as it's a proprietary strain (unless you know of a commercial operation that's growing them & can jump the fence in the dead of night & dig 'em up).

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I'm impressed and scared of your setup at the same time @Beil it looks like a lot of work!

I finally got motivated to start again. 2 good runs in and then forgot to put spunding valve on fermenter for most recent. Came home to an exploded mess 🤦‍♂️ couldn't imagine how many fuck ups I'd have starting from scratch. Although I am very interested in getting hold of some hops rhizomes if anyone knows someone or has any growing..?

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Did the necessary thing and built a kegerator

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Another question I had for other brewers, what hops are your go to's? I am a sucker for galaxy it is just too nice
Cheers, haven't been able to brew much since setting up, lots of home renovations so the shed is full of stuff :(.

Yeah, pressure will make a mess, fortunately haven't blown anything up yet lol.

Hops for me are dank and citrus, but really depends on the brew. Citra is my go to, used that for lots of neipas, but for pales and that stuff like cascade and centennial can't go wrong

For hops, this guy sells them, but I think he's almost sold out.
He has stuff like cascade, centennial, columbus and a few more of the non-propietry ones.



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Saw this recipe whilst browsing keglands site. Peaked my interest as a lover of coco lol I just had a couple questions for the brewers as I've adjusted it slightly. I'm not a fan of high % beer and with this being an IPA and calling for 5.1kg of sugars plus added pineapple juice I couldn't see me enjoying the end result. If I use the same amount of coconut water and toasted coconut as recipe asks and go for just 1kg malt and 1.7kg pale ale with 60g mosaic hops it will still have nice results? Or should I go for 1kg of a light malt / dextrose?

Also what else should I consider? Roasting and steeping coconut is a new one for me haha






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Saw this recipe whilst browsing keglands site. Peaked my interest as a lover of coco lol I just had a couple questions for the brewers as I've adjusted it slightly. I'm not a fan of high % beer and with this being an IPA and calling for 5.1kg of sugars plus added pineapple juice I couldn't see me enjoying the end result. If I use the same amount of coconut water and toasted coconut as recipe asks and go for just 1kg malt and 1.7kg pale ale with 60g mosaic hops it will still have nice results? Or should I go for 1kg of a light malt / dextrose?

Also what else should I consider? Roasting and steeping coconut is a new one for me haha

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I did a similar one a couple of years back called " pina co lager" it was quite refreshing


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Saw this recipe whilst browsing keglands site. Peaked my interest as a lover of coco lol I just had a couple questions for the brewers as I've adjusted it slightly. I'm not a fan of high % beer and with this being an IPA and calling for 5.1kg of sugars plus added pineapple juice I couldn't see me enjoying the end result. If I use the same amount of coconut water and toasted coconut as recipe asks and go for just 1kg malt and 1.7kg pale ale with 60g mosaic hops it will still have nice results? Or should I go for 1kg of a light malt / dextrose?

Also what else should I consider? Roasting and steeping coconut is a new one for me haha

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I'm at a kids birthday party at the moment.
But if you're not planning on brewing it today. I'll run it all through Beersmith and delve into it more and try and work it out for you for the best approach to suit.

The only problem with lowering the ABV of an IPA by remov8ng malt, is that it also removes unfermentables that add body and malt flavour to the beer that would otherwise work in conjunction with the hop bitterness...It'll still be perfectly fine, but probably won't be as the recipe creater intended, a bit thin, too bitter etc.

What abv do you prefer?


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I'm at a kids birthday party at the moment.
But if you're not planning on brewing it today. I'll run it all through Beersmith and delve into it more and try and work it out for you for the best approach to suit.

The only problem with lowering the ABV of an IPA by remov8ng malt, is that it also removes unfermentables that add body and malt flavour to the beer that would otherwise work in conjunction with the hop bitterness...It'll still be perfectly fine, but probably won't be as the recipe creater intended, a bit thin, too bitter etc.

What abv do you prefer?

Was considering brewing today with the 1kg of dry malt I purchased but lesson learnt with storing it within mice distance haha that's what made me question whether malt was an appropriate choice if I was to lower the abv. I like to still stand and be able to perform by the end of the night lol so I prefer drinking 4-5% if I can help it. I'll wait for a response from yourself before doing the run if you don't mind taking the time mate thanks heaps!
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Past home brewer, might get back into it when we move into our own place.🥂

I've heard fresh wart kits are the bees knees atm and well worth it for simplicity and bang for buck compared to retail prices. Workmate said prices at the local had gone up again fuck I'm glad I homebrew


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Was considering brewing today with the 1kg of dry malt I purchased but lesson learnt with storing it within mice distance haha that's what made me question whether malt was an appropriate choice if I was to lower the abv. I like to still stand and be able to perform by the end of the night lol so I prefer drinking 4-5% if I can help it. I'll wait for a response from yourself before doing the run if you don't mind taking the time mate thanks heaps!
Just to work out what you have in stock..
The rapid Creek tin in the photo... that's the 1.7kg extract you mention?

The 1kg of malt you talk about, is that just light dry malt extract? (Not photod)
Or is it malted grains? If so, what type?

Do you do standard 23L batches?


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Just to work out what you have in stock..
The rapid Creek tin in the photo... that's the 1.7kg extract you mention?

The 1kg of malt you talk about, is that just light dry malt extract? (Not photod)
Or is it malted grains? If so, what type?

Do you do standard 23L batches?

Yup, 1.7kg rapid creek
1kg light dry malt

Tick ✅ tick ✅ tick ✅


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Whatever comes with the rapid creek tin mate I got no clue
Ah ok, so nothing fancy. I'll assume it's something like US05.
Wasn't sure if you were going to go the kegland route and use a 'hazy' yeast etc 👍


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Ok, so ran the numbers. (also, I'm assuming you've been brewing for a bit so know the general terminoloy when talking in text, but if anything below doesn't make sense, please just ask).

It's a bit hard to gauge as I've never used the Rapid Creek stuff so I don't have any reference for what it "usually" goes like.
Plus I don't have the specs for it in beersmith, so I've used the Coopers Pale Ale tin specs as a basis (I use that for when I just use the woolies homebrand tins and it seems to work), so figured if they're all kind of similar it'll be fine... unless rapid creek have gone for a more darker, malty extract (which would actually be beneficial for This tbh...).

Also, when ever I try out recipes with extract, especially hopped extracts there still a lot of guesstimate with the calculations.
I usually brew full all grain and controll all the fermentables, IBUs, water chemistry etc. But when ever I've ran recipes with tins they generally come out close to what I was expecting... although, still a disclaimer that it's not 100%.

So, going on 23L final volume (don't go over as it's already pretty low gravity as it is) this is what I reckon you should/could do as a lower ABV recipe with what you have on hand.
The caveat here is that you aren't adding any extra unfermentables like crystal malt or even maltoxextrin, which would add body/sweetness.

So its going to be more of a light pale ale/seasion ale, there's not heaps of malty body to be had with just a tin and a kg of LDME and if you're just using the yeast that comes with the tin, it's likely a pretty neutral yeast that won't throw a lot of fruity esters and will ferment out lower than a British strain, but higher than a saison strain or even Nottingham.
Likely to be a pretty light body sessionable beer that isn't heavy at all. All though the toasted coconut could increase the perceptible body with its flavours- I've never used coconut in a beer though so I'm just guessing here as to how it'll react.

Mid level bitterness, especially as it should ferment out to less than 1.01 and there's not many added dextrins to enhance the sweetness/body (and the yeast if it was a lower attenuating strain would leave more unfermentables as it is),. But again I've found that it's hit or miss (with the numbers) as to the final feeling/taste with hopped tins/extract... a lot of trail and error when designing from the ground up.

You'll be adding some bitterness with a mosaic boil/steeping, which should hopefully add some 'body'. Those late boils and steeps can add some perceptible body, especially when carbonated... and especially with IPAs, although this is more of a session pale.
I'm thinking something like mismatch Session ale or Coopers pacific ale (plus coconut).

So, basically follow all the prep of keglands beer, ie. The toasted coconut, don't burn it!

Bring 3L water to the boil and add a bit of the LDME, a few tea spoons etc.
Boil 20g mosaic for 10 mins then kill the heat. Add 360g of the toasted coconut and let steep for 15 minutes.

Strain into the fermentor.

I like to add LDME to boiling water to dissolve and sanitise before adding to FV, do so if you wish or just do what you usually do when adding LDME.

Add the tin.

Add the coconut water and then top up to 23L.

Get to your desired temp (I'm not sure if you ferment in a controlled fridge, if you don't, I suggest looking into it... makes 10x difference being able to control the ferment temperature).

Either way, don't be pitching at 25°+. I like to get my wort down to 16° and then add yeast and let it bring itself up to 18° and keep it there for US05 (or tin yeast).

Ferment until it has reached FG, then add the 40g of mosaic amd the rest of the coconut and leave for 2-3 days. This sometimes kicks off fermentation again upon adding hops and definit will with the coconut as it has some sugars in it.

Cold crash (only after ferment has finished, ie. stable gravity for 2-3 days.

bottle or keg.

Wait for carbonation, chill, enjoy and report back.

Screenshot of 'expected ' results in terms of OG, FG and ABV below.

If bottling, add 0.5% to ABV

(I enjoyed this, since moving house with a child i haven't been as active as I once was with brewing so it was nice to dig into my brain for this comment).

Screenshot_20250208_210442_BeerSmith 3.jpg
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Just went back through the thread and seen you have a fridge to ferment in, your golden for temperature control with that and an stc 1000/ink bird, that's what I ferment in.

Also seen that you keg, so ignore the+0.5% bit lol

Those sour tastes are almost certainly an infection of some kind, hopefully they've passed with ongoing sanitation.

Don't be afraid of using bleach to kill. I've had to do so a few times with recurring off tastes, take everything apart and bleach or boil the shit out of them. They say it's bad (bleach) for stainless but a quick soak and rinse off and you'll be right. Don't forget to take apart then FV top part, post and all and sanitise them after each brew by taking them apart. You take samples etc and finally run the wort out thrkigh them to the kegs so there's wort inside them just waiting to harbour bacteria and it's a breeding ground for nasties, which will find their way down to the wort if not cleaned.


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Just went back through the thread and seen you have a fridge to ferment in, your golden for temperature control with that and an stc 1000/ink bird, that's what I ferment in.

Also seen that you keg, so ignore the+0.5% bit lol

Those sour tastes are almost certainly an infection of some kind, hopefully they've passed with ongoing sanitation.

Don't be afraid of using bleach to kill. I've had to do so a few times with recurring off tastes, take everything apart and bleach or boil the shit out of them. They say it's bad (bleach) for stainless but a quick soak and rinse off and you'll be right. Don't forget to take apart then FV top part, post and all and sanitise them after each brew by taking them apart. You take samples etc and finally run the wort out thrkigh them to the kegs so there's wort inside them just waiting to harbour bacteria and it's a breeding ground for nasties, which will find their way down to the wort if not cleaned.
That's bloody brilliant work mate I really appreciate the help! Reckon it's worth getting a malt / dextrose blend instead of just ldme?


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If you go adding dextrose, you'll up the ABV, but lower the FG (which means less body/mouthfeel).

Maybe go ahead & make it as Beil suggests, taste it & decide what tweaks you want to make from there.

Aye Shroomer

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Saw this recipe whilst browsing keglands site. Peaked my interest as a lover of coco lol I just had a couple questions for the brewers as I've adjusted it slightly. I'm not a fan of high % beer and with this being an IPA and calling for 5.1kg of sugars plus added pineapple juice I couldn't see me enjoying the end result. If I use the same amount of coconut water and toasted coconut as recipe asks and go for just 1kg malt and 1.7kg pale ale with 60g mosaic hops it will still have nice results? Or should I go for 1kg of a light malt / dextrose?

Also what else should I consider? Roasting and steeping coconut is a new one for me haha

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Wow. Let me know when it’s done and and I’ll come around with my growler 😂.


HPS turncoat
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Wow. Let me know when it’s done and and I’ll come around with my growler 😂.
yeah me too! lol

Been spoiling myself with brewing alot of ipa,'s, xpa's, over the last 12 months, around 7%ers..

Gotta get back to "normal" beers , got a 60lt brew AU Lager and a single 30lt brew of Draft in the fementers atm, one more week to go!...

Kegged up a strawberry cider yesterday there's still about 4L in fermenter if you're interested?
always a dilemma with what to do with the left overs after kegs are full..

4lts seems abit much tho..
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