Spics, Jews, Wogs, Trump, Woke and Freedumb to spew suit

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Iā€™ve got all day, so feel free to workshop a few new zingers. In the meantime, Iā€™ll be here, cozy in my blanket fort, happily watching you try to catch up.


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Geezus, this thread has the potential to be toxic as all fuck..

EDIT: Don't mention Geezus in this thread - He was a Jew, y'know ;)

If you want a REAL Messiah, we only need to look towards the good 'ol USA, where the self-proclaimed saviour of the entire Universe is about to be proclaimed King God Leader of the Free World for the second time, which goes to show the intelligence of the American voting public, or just that Elon Musk paid for his election campaign in return for screwing-over the American public & lining the pockets of his big-business cohort (rather like putting the fox in charge of the hen-house).
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