Your most imaginative way to end this C@#T!

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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also I have read Ukraine is the best agricultural area in Europe by far.
Ha more reason than one u.s is there.
Bought a 3 pack of lighters yesterday didn't notice this till this. morning,hope I'm not supporting anything evil. Ha ha. 20220507_080518.jpgkilling innocent people will never benifit any country white cedar .
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The man your mother warned you about.
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Well it was ok for the US to want to nuke Cuba when the Russians were about to arm them ..people tend to forget that though..

No one gave a fuck about all the other countries that have been invaded nor the atrocities that are inevitably committed in war..

I don’t stick up for Putin at all ,,,he is a cunt ..but so is Zelenski .
and so is the Biden administration and NATO.

if you can’t see that the yanks and NATO are pushing for a nuclear war then it’s either Bias or your blind.

I might add that blaming Putins EGO is really just too simple ,,and only picked up from the idiot box propaganda.

Unknown User

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I dont agree with a lot of things the USA does. I think atrocities of war are committed by cowards. I have no idea if nato and the USA want nuclear war.
I have no information from any valid source that confirms they do Or don’t….
I certainly don’t believe all that I see on the idiot box. Never have. I have friends in Kiev and I spent a lot of time in Northern Europe,
however, I do think putin is going to come to a grissly and unpleasant end. And not a moment too soon.


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Well it was ok for the US to want to nuke Cuba when the Russians were about to arm them ..people tend to forget that though..

No one gave a fuck about all the other countries that have been invaded nor the atrocities that are inevitably committed in war..

I don’t stick up for Putin at all ,,,he is a cunt ..but so is Zelenski .
and so is the Biden administration and NATO.

if you can’t see that the yanks and NATO are pushing for a nuclear war then it’s either Bias or your blind.

I might add that blaming Putins EGO is really just too simple ,,and only picked up from the idiot box propaganda.
I mean one country is actively threatening nuclear weapons lol.

Funny how this invasion has just strengthened Nato and pushed two larger countries to want to join. One which shares borders with russia.

Large oil fields recently discovered in Ukraine, the fact that Russia can't keep supporting crimea with foreign aid since the damming of the river as the lands are turning into desert. Also having a thriving democratic neighbor sharing a border with your failing autocratic situation is not healthy. Putin's ego is just shitty tabloid headlines.

In the same breath, not accepting there are ultra nationalistic aspects of Ukraine is just putting on blinders. Same with the azov regiment which was absorbed after Uklraine was invaded in 2014. But to at all believe that they make up a big part of that society is just ridiculous and using that as a justification to invade is just as shitty as weapons of mass destruction from the US.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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I like the story coming out of Ukraine that Russian soldiers hold washing machines as highly prized items and are knocking them off. Kinda gives you some insight to how fucked up the situation is back in Russia. Must be a lot of people washing by hand still.
I read somewhere that the average Russian is so poor that they keep their toothbrushes for 7 years or more!! 🤣

Unknown User

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With dwindling supplies, I Reckon they are busy pulling teeth.
From personal experience, I can tell u the female Russian dentists are strong as oxe’s.
had one put one hand on my face, the other with a pair of dental pliers and in 5 seconds, the offending tooth was out and binned. Da!!!!!


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Russian soldiers hold washing machines as highly prized items

Nazis stole art and artifacts....

RuSSia steals washing machines and iPhones

Wonder what the workload 4 russian dentists is like

lol, as if there's 'dentists' in Russia.

I recall a Russian friend in the 80's telling me he could've become a pilot, just slip them 5,000 USD, you get your licence.



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Yeah, there's a double standard going on - without doubt. I thought the world had moved on from the 60's cold war mentality though and even past GW's 'WMD's' bullshit.

I guess humans have this innate programming to repeat history without learning from the mistakes, huh?

'Nazi leaders were rightly tried but those who dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, killing thousands of civilians, were not.'

Imperialists and colonisers set the modern rules of war to defend their interests. They came as a response to the industrialisation of war and its spread across whole continents and the globe.
The historic scale of slaughter demanded some response and the imperialists’ answer was rules they could police.
The London Charter set the basis for which Axis powers would be tried. A consequence of allowing the victors to define war crimes and crimes against humanity is that they swerve from incriminating themselves.

‘War crimes’ flow from the logic of imperia
But past
How was it threatened, how many shells did NATO pump into Russia?
Don't believe FOX news, it's pure garbage.

Subversion from the West has influenced the recent situation in Ukraine, goes back before Crimea.
Bit of a worry a d illusion all despot vs stage actor.
Where are the wise old men and women.


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Yeah, there's a double standard going on - without doubt. I thought the world had moved on from the 60's cold war mentality though and even past GW's 'WMD's' bullshit.

I guess humans have this innate programming to repeat history without learning from the mistakes, huh?

'Nazi leaders were rightly tried but those who dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, killing thousands of civilians, were not.'

Imperialists and colonisers set the modern rules of war to defend their interests. They came as a response to the industrialisation of war and its spread across whole continents and the globe.
The historic scale of slaughter demanded some response and the imperialists’ answer was rules they could police.
The London Charter set the basis for which Axis powers would be tried. A consequence of allowing the victors to define war crimes and crimes against humanity is that they swerve from incriminating themselves.

‘War crimes’ flow from the logic of imperialist attacks

Check out Secrets of Nagasaki . Author Dionisi?
Brotherhood of death..
Sun Tzu .The art of war states;.. "To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting".
It is over 2000 years old and every strategist general etc has read it.
Knowing that you can see more than " only human " motivation behind the mess the world's in.
Fighting is a last resort yet human sacrifice in war is still happening.
I am sure I read this was a comedy thread?
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Sun Tzu .The art of war states;.. "To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting".
It is over 2000 years old and every strategist general etc has read it.

Yep, I have the book. It was also used a lot in business/marketing in the 80's... even in the Wall St movie - chicken/egg scenario.

Similar to how so many mobsters dress like their Hollywood heroes, lol.
When they conduct raids on mob households, many of them have Good Fellas, The Godfather, etc. among their video collection and a wardrobe to match.



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Check out Secrets of Nagasaki

Don't get me started, there was no need to bomb Japan, it was a nuclear pissing contest.
Eisenhower stated the Japanese were ready to surrender prior and MacArthur was also against it but Truman wanted to show the world he could still get a hard on; exactly what Putin is doing.

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