Woman facing 30 years in prison for bong water


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This is madness. Only in America.

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Aye Shroomer

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So my wife and I have been discussing this and we disagree with each other

I feel that the charge is bogus and is just another way to punish users even after the state made changes to the laws regarding paraphernalia.

My wife thinks that bong water isn’t paraphernalia at all. Yeah she agrees an empty bong is but once it’s filled with water then it’s not.

Let’s open up this debate.


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They may as well blood test everyone and lock up all with the clean results. It would save space. Scary country that one, even before you consider the guns.

Aye Shroomer

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Once you read the whole article you can get the impression it’s a bogus charge from law enforcement to try and make a case.

The state decriminalised drug paraphernalia and cannabis is fucking legal too.

But because there is meth residue and she also decline a drug test they try to look for more charges.

If she was high on meth driving then she should not be on the road but the charge in question goes against the whole decriminalisation idea


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Guess what fellas, you actually have a TSE member from Minnesota to comment! Bet you didn't expect that ...

In MN, refusing a drug/drink test while driving is a more harsh punishment than actually being high or drunk. If someone refuses a roadside test the coppers and prosecution throw the book at them. More importantly, I know Polk County is a nexus between several native american reservations and the cops love to harass the natives. Same as AUS. I don't know who she is, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's indigenous.


HPS turncoat
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Gotta test the law...

In this case it's the other way round.

After it goes through the court system and look at the whole picture, there will be definite ruling on weather bong water is paraphernalia or not...and I at a guess it will be not...
Testing the law happens everyday in the court system.


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I’d assume she’s black?
Took the words out of my mouth there mate, was gunna comment something along the lines of this, I bet she comes from a minority background like black etc..
considering bong water would contain a certain amount of thc and if ya was keen enough to drink it i guess it could be classed as a drug like gummy bears or hash cookies, dunno seems trumped up charges to support more trumped up charges to target someone that cant afford a decent lawyer

Aye Shroomer

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Guess what fellas, you actually have a TSE member from Minnesota to comment! Bet you didn't expect that ...

In MN, refusing a drug/drink test while driving is a more harsh punishment than actually being high or drunk. If someone refuses a roadside test the coppers and prosecution throw the book at them. More importantly, I know Polk County is a nexus between several native american reservations and the cops love to harass the natives. Same as AUS. I don't know who she is, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's indigenous.
wow that’s fucked.

PS fuck the Vikings and their Minnesota Miracle 😂 Saints would have went on to win the SB that year. 😢


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wow that’s fucked.

PS fuck the Vikings and their Minnesota Miracle 😂 Saints would have went on to win the SB that year. 😢

Its okay to hate on the Purple Puke, just watch the Packers instead. Despite it being machoistic, I still watch the Wild for my regular dose of disappointment!

Aye Shroomer

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Its okay to hate on the Purple Puke, just watch the Packers instead. Despite it being machoistic, I still watch the Wild for my regular dose of disappointment!
No hockey in New Orleans and I refuse to follow any team from Florida 😂 so I like the Kraken.


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No hockey in New Orleans and I refuse to follow any team from Florida 😂 so I like the Kraken.

You sir, have your head on correctly! It would be nice if Florida just floated away and took their awful teams with them (Go Oilers!). My partner asked who she should follow and I suggested the Kraken. See liked the colours and I occasionally travel to Seattle, so we're a Kraken house now too.


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Only the Biden states, not the Trump ones. That’s not absolute but pretty close. Federally I think changes were afoot, but still not approved?
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