Wieambilla Cookers Link.


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These people were living proof of why we need gun restrictions.
Or it just turns out they had a bunch of illegal firearms and regulations wouldn’t have changed anything. Our regulations haven’t stopped the spate of gang/bikie shootings in Sydney and Melbourne over the last few years.

Im not saying regulations are bad but they only stop so much.

Recent studies have actually suggested that it’s easier than ever for criminals to acquire black market firearms

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Sun Ra

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Or it just turns out they had a bunch of illegal firearms and regulations wouldn’t have changed anything. Our regulations haven’t stopped the spate of gang/bikie shootings in Sydney and Melbourne over the last few years.

Im not saying regulations are bad but they only stop so much.

Recent studies have actually suggested that it’s easier than ever for criminals to acquire black market firearms
I heard there was is a fair bit of "leakage" with gun buybacks seeing desirable firearms going back into the community
(rather than being destroyed) via dodgy licensed firearm dealers involved in these programs and possibly cops as well ?


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These people were living proof of why we need gun restrictions.
Your opinions are getting outlandish, Pedro. Not the bloke I took you to be. You WOKE fuck! *

* Sorry Topgun, couldn't help myself considering how differing yours and his views generally are.


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Your opinions are getting outlandish, Pedro. Not the bloke I took you to be. You WOKE fuck! *

* Sorry Topgun, couldn't help myself considering how differing yours and his views generally are.
As soon as I hear the word woke I feel I have special stupid on the line.


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As soon as I hear the word woke I feel I have special stupid on the line.
They'll eventually hate themselves out of their own existence one day once theyre done hating out on everything else. Hypocritical cocksuckers they are..

EDIT: There ya go, anyone want to have a crack at something I do have a strong opinion about?? *

* Note: Double Question Mark.. I'll get the hang of this yet.
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Anybody into Indy cars is a red flag for me.
They were fun until I realized it was just a waste of energy and completely pointless.
Getting angry means you are getting beaten......

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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They'll eventually hate themselves out of their own existence one day once theyre done hating out on everything else. Hypocritical cocksuckers they are..

EDIT: There ya go, anyone want to have a crack at something I do have a strong opinion about?? *

* Note: Double Question Mark.. I'll get the hang of this yet.
No free speech/opinion for me here @Indy . I'm paying $5 a month for the privilege to chat privately on TSE. 🤣 I've still got the edit function, but never had to use it. Someone will come along to fix grammar, if I get it wrong anyway. Not that I give a fuck about grammar when chatting online.
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