Who are these members?

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They are all computer generated names aren't they?
I bet there are 2 of them for each letter of the alphabet...or getting there...

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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How u going Sugar ?
Heard any talk of 420 meet in ACT now that it's semi legit could be a good place to meet up with like minded souls with out fear of plod intrusions?✌


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How u going Sugar ?
Heard any talk of 420 meet in ACT now that it's semi legit could be a good place to meet up with like minded souls with out fear of plod intrusions?✌
I'm going ok, struggling a bit with too much on my plate.
Lucy cat had radiation iodine treatment for hyperthyroidism and now has kidney failure and not well so nursing her best I can.
Dentist that destroyed my teeth last year well the repair work is still ongoing after more than 25 dental appts and the lawyer who took me on is a rogue so I'm not going ahead with sue action anymore, will just suck it up.
Health issues need dealing with constantly along with family struggling with various ailments...sigh
Getting this bloody grow finished and clean up after wards ...can't wait.
Well you asked and I have lots more to whinge about but anyway no I'm not meeting up with mates for a choof until all is done and dusted.

Love your avatar btw and how are you going?

afghan bob

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Those type of members will show up while they are sitting in limbo waiting approval.

The site detects spammers email and IP addresses and holds them in an approval queue until i hit a button to wipe them.
And the mighty Billy swings his light saber while uttering loudly...' U SHALL NOT PASS '


The man your mother warned you about.
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Those type of members will show up while they are sitting in limbo waiting approval.

The site detects spammers email and IP addresses and holds them in an approval queue until i hit a button to wipe them.
That’s good coz the other joint has had heaps of yank spam lately.
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