White tips: light damage or extra trichs?

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Dr Bugbee is leading the field in understanding light absorption by cannabis plants- great video here discussing possibly hypotheses of ‘bleaching’ which supports the excess red photon as possible cause.
I’ve had this happen several times after switching to LEDs with different strains.


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Dr Bugbee is leading the field in understanding light absorption by cannabis plants- great video here discussing possibly hypotheses of ‘bleaching’ which supports the excess red photon as possible cause.
I’ve had this happen several times after switching to LEDs with different strains.
I've always wondered if the abrupt amount of red spectrum under most LED vs the bluer natural light was causing the physiological changes. I'll definitely give it a watch when I've got some time.


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Well it's taken this many posts to get back to where we were after 5 or 6 posts

Fuck me you fuckers are insightfully useless
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