Whats you plans for 4:20 the great Cannabis rest day ...?


Resident Celebrity
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I've heard that before, some pom says the same,.... you went to Aus just for Nimbin..? yeah was the reply ...crazy

but then again how many Aussie blades been to Amstradam for the weed and er....Redlight?

Partying 4:20 at your place is De Centralizing NimBin where the cops are that day ...not at your place is fine ....follow?
Yeah, it just goes to show how much of a reputation Nimbin has with international stoners. I don't know if it's deserved, I mean, is it that good that you would travel from another country to go there? Some stoners I've talked to say it's overrated and they live in the same country.

But yeah, you're right about Amsterdam but I'd say there's a lot more to see over there. They have some pretty old buildings and stuff if you're into those sorts of things

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