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Beautiful Hobart morning im working on my little hot house to try a outdoor winter grow .....
Aah good old Hobart...was there in the 1970's and stayed at Hadleys Hotel for a couple of days before exploring rest of Tassie...was not long after dreadful bushfires burnt much of the State.
Good luck with your outdoor winter grow...I recently grew a self sown seed that popped up last winter here in Canberra and she just under shade cloth - long bloody grow though but she produced beautiful bounty.

One Drop

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Aah good old Hobart...was there in the 1970's and stayed at Hadleys Hotel for a couple of days before exploring rest of Tassie...was not long after dreadful bushfires burnt much of the State.
Good luck with your outdoor winter grow...I recently grew a self sown seed that popped up last winter here in Canberra and she just under shade cloth - long bloody grow though but she produced beautiful bounty.
Hi Sugar you lucky to be in the ACT it was a bit harsh that only the act got to have 4 plants n 50 gm perso were still convicts down here . I’ve got a great warm solar passive back yard big Brick wall for the sun the hit plants love it .


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Hi Sugar you lucky to be in the ACT it was a bit harsh that only the act got to have 4 plants n 50 gm perso were still convicts down here . I’ve got a great warm solar passive back yard big Brick wall for the sun the hit plants love it .
The news of legal personal use growing came as a complete surprise to me lolol...had no idea it was even on the table lol.

Soon as I found out I got my courtyard prepared and went full monty giving up all other activities to grow my first legal grow and after a 3 yr grow break too lol...no bud and hanging out only for it to be stolen! pmsl...got to laugh or you'd cry lol.

Anyway, it was one of the seeds from my seeded grow that got nicked that self sowed through last winter that I finally got to harvest.

The legal laws are not realistic and I've done best can to keep my grow legal as per law but it is impossible to comply with and has set us up to fail imo.

Sounds like your backyard is canna grow perfect then and looking forward to seeing your winter grow.


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...continuing on about the law

problems needing addressing at commonwealth level as well such as being able to have more than 50grams dried bud ...that is not enough to last and who grows a plant that yeilds that small outdoors...maybe an auto on a stick lol but then that defeats the whole purpose of why personal use is made legal (well actually it still isn't legal but decriminalised I think still).

Also, can't give or buy or sell or import etc..

Can't give or buy import seeds etc...

I think at Federal law the commercial quantity amount is listed there and that part of the law needs to change to a quantity suitable for personal use outdoor grows which only harvest once a yea - how long would 50 grams reg user use? I'd choof throw that in a couple of months I think...not sure cause I've not checked.

Anyway, sorry you are still convicts everywhere but we still are here too in Canberra...another fellow canberra grower (our resident celebrity Anoma) was busted for his legal grow too and now what we all thought we could openly and legally do is just on paper, not in real life so it's back to hiding and acting like criminals here for us too.


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...regards breeding own seeds and need an increase of plant numbers to cater for this so as we don't import or buy or get given seeds...ffs really? that is ridiculous...I give beers to my mates and vice versa, that's legal...

Anyway, as it stands, it's better to breed own seeds so if looking at what laws need amending perhaps that is one avenue to consider to allow breeding of own seeds and increase plant numbers allowed per person and increase amount of dried bud allowed on hand for a moderate smoker to last a year.

....I'm on a roll thinking about this so please do chime in with own thoughts and interpretations and application.

One Drop

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I’m enjoying what your saying we don’t get to hear any of this down here I knew it wasn’t going to be as easy as grow 4 plants and bummer on the rippers that hit .

One Drop

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So many people are growing indoors down here now this season I left out plants at night just scrappy ones to test the waters all good but I’ll still bring in my best plants at night lock them up in back laundry area it’s get old quick but I’m great at routine.


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max 16c and raining

left over True Blue and Wonkey after chop and hopefully carrying babies?

True Blue - self fem seeded?tb.jpg
tb seeded.jpg
wonkey - True Blue cs fem pollen seeded?
w seeded.jpg
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