What's the weather like?

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Solid rain forecast here for next 3 days straight. Bring it down in buckets Huey..... will help the manure break down I applied on the property recently. Hardy plants you have Sug. In order to survive a Canberra winter.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Solid rain forecast here for next 3 days straight. Bring it down in buckets Huey..... will help the manure break down I applied on the property recently. Hardy plants you have Sug. In order to survive a Canberra winter.
I could barely survive a Canberra winter. On secondment there for a year, I had a few family weekend visits. Cold Canberra winter convinced them to talk me out of a permanent family move down there. Good move on their part. No regrets


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Been freezing up around my parts. Worst winter yet, made worse still with no heating in the house..... Problem solved with yet another move and it's just starting to merge into spring...(y)

Hope everyone is safe and well out there. Fingers crossed they introduce a vaccine that can rectify this virus pandemic that's affecting lives all around the world. God bless the medical scientists that are working hard to address this problem and the movements funding this research. :)

Speaking of which. Have a lot of time to catch up on and better get to it! Cheerio 🖐


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Solid rain forecast here for next 3 days straight. Bring it down in buckets Huey..... will help the manure break down I applied on the property recently. Hardy plants you have Sug. In order to survive a Canberra winter.

The rain has been wonderful here and good timing for you Old fox.
I am surprised the plants aren't too fussed with the winter here. Yay! :)

I could barely survive a Canberra winter. On secondment there for a year, I had a few family weekend visits. Cold Canberra winter convinced them to talk me out of a permanent family move down there. Good move on their part. No regrets

If you don't mind me asking, what job were you doing on secondment here? I'm going to guess the army :D
The first few winters here did me in but am a bit more accustomed to it now although I'd be lost with out good heating. Don't know how street people survive here.
Glad to hear you happy where you live.
Cheers :)

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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The rain has been wonderful here and good timing for you Old fox.
I am surprised the plants aren't too fussed with the winter here. Yay! :)

If you don't mind me asking, what job were you doing on secondment here? I'm going to guess the army :D
The first few winters here did me in but am a bit more accustomed to it now although I'd be lost with out good heating. Don't know how street people survive here.
Glad to hear you happy where you live.
Cheers :)
No army for me. I was a Director with a Federal Govt. Agency (in Tuggeranong) not The Feds..lol. I was managing a Project at that time, and was needed on site, to develop relationships with contract company reps. in the ACT. I was a nightly local on the Manuka restaurant strip. 😉


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The Sun is out with a cold nip in the breeze (21c tops, they reckon). Then again, it might be Rich has me shivering in my boots. Looks like this princess might have to toughen up.

Hope everyone as a FABULOUS day..
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Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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We have four days of Shitty Rain and wind to Look forward to in the Southern Half of Wa :confused:
Roll on Summer

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Last half sunny day here for a while, got a week of rain coming, be 10 -12 c ? and nights of 6-7
so the cold mornings are over for a while ? not sure if that's a good or bad thing ?

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
I dunno how you do it, year after year. Main benefit seems it's a great place to grow buds in the warmer months.
Looking for a holiday house in QLD atm ?, somewhere to hide from start of May till at least the end of August,
had enough of the 4-6 + months of winter here, can't get much of anything done, its not much fun this time of year
any decent day and there is heaps of work to catch up on

Never really wanted to leave QLD to come back to Vic, was a bit to young tho, had to follow along
but you used to get great $ for working in Vic, retired now, so earning $ is not as important as being WARM lol

Would of really rather of stayed in WA, got an education there,
the same one QLD was trying to give me 4-5 years later, grade 6 math in form 4 ffs
WA got the best weather in OZ ?
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