Don't know who you think this is?
Wow you guys really are wankers
So defensive
Free speech , gone.
That's why you became a Mod, so you can do whatever to who ever you like ?
Donny worry ,I'll won't upset you lot of babies again
It's obvious that you have lots of new growers with no idea,couple of you seem nice blokes and good growers, porky and SE
The rest ,well the ideas about my problem showed that
Must be a nice for a person to have such power
Lol lol lol
I just love keyboard warriors ,what you going to threaten a woman now ,what's next
lol yeah, psycho I thinks its called ?So your not Pedro but you are Pedro writing as VB seeds
Did you know that's called Illeism
PS No problem with you but ya Mate Tictac is a wanker
Wanker plain and yeah, psycho I thinks its called ?
pretty sure you know what is going on ? GSM
I'll say this tho, not many growers grow as good as "pedro" no idea why its piss easy ?
maybe they should put more time in ??
plenty that can grow better as well, they are not in the "not many"
Got me rabbit ready mate, how about you ??Wanker plain and simple.
Panama haze x Malawi, X A5 Killer Haze