What plant is this?


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Actually i'm somewhat bemused that no one seems 2 know what's going on

It reminds me of one I had, planted late winter, went into flower mode then reverted to reveg as spring approached, it started pushing out one fingered leaves.

I'm not saying that's what's happening here though it immediately rang a bell when I saw it.


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afghan bob

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Yeah its only 2 weeks old and u can feel central cola or stem inside that fat asparagus looking thing
Wonder if i should chop at bottom of it and let other branches do their thing
Pretty sure some kinda genetic mutation
Very interesting

Unknown User

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Bob, I’m going to go out on a limb here…………Cos your asking for help.

based on what I’ve read, but no practical experience with mutations. I would say it is just that. It’s a mutation.
i cant understand what benefit the breeder saw with joined leaf and stems, if it’s meant to be that way. Other that visual.

it could grow out on its own as leaf grows fairly quickly. But to me it doesn’t make sense.

it could be worthwhile to reach out to the breeder and see what they say. If nothing or no sensible response.

seeing as you have 2 plants the same. Maybe consider trying the following on one and leave the other to grow out.
I would get the scalpel. Slice the leaf on each side that is joining the branch stems together so the main cola can get light and grow. if left it may grow out on its own.

however, I would also be concerned that if I left it, it could get stifled and worse, eventually go moldy as moisture may get trapped in that funnel, if the joined leafs and stems don’t grow out.

I reckon the scalpel is your friend in this case. At least for one of them and if brave enough, both plants.
additionally, I don’t see any downside to cutting the leaf structure so the colas can be exposed.


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Pretty sure some kinda genetic mutation

It reminds me of a mutant I had but mine had that growing out of the main stem:


b 1_zps35dzcu5t.jpg

I eventually ended up topping it, was cool to see how far it could get, as you can see, no chance of a cola growing out of that, at least those big fan leaves absorbed quite a bit light to energise the leaves below.

Apparently a Blackjack strain.

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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Not a fan of sweet seeds
Watch out for sf valley lemon KUSH.
Was a lemon hermie , nice bouquet and smoke.
But it seeded the other sweet strains.
So no more sweet for me.😭

afghan bob

Community Member
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Nurse scalpel stat
Well thanks for everyone input but couldn’t stop the inner surgeon in me and plant circumcision has commenced. Think I found what looks like a tip of buried main stem half way down trumpet
Those spinach leaves were actually joined all way around
Anyway see what happens


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This was actually a common practice in the 70's during the Aus. fuel crisis.

Does anyone remember petrol strikes?
They had 'odds & evens' days where you couldn't fill up on an odd day if your number plate ended in an even number and vice versa and there were still queues around the block to buy petrol.

Locking petrol caps very quickly became a thing and I've even heard of at least one person drilling a hole in the bottom of a tank to scavenge petrol - sheesh!
Desperate times!

Did my mates siphon petrol? Yep!
I was too young to drive at the time and worked to buy my car and all costs related to it. Petrol prices were in the 30's - cents/litre.

No shortage when we did it but it was a lot cheaper when others paid.🚓

afghan bob

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Yeah had some ABC but probs got labels mived up [who woulda guessed]

Is it actually weed ?


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B is for Bastard. I think you'll figure the rest out from that, mate.

If not, poor yielder and low potency by many reports. Haven't grown it myself to know though.
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