What is the main difference between bar and the panel type of light

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I know spider farmer and kingbrite and one other cheap light are in the same group of companies. The only ref I can find to Mars and spiderfarmer being the same is….drum roll 🥁reddit.

You need to look a little harder.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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I know spider farmer and kingbrite and one other cheap light are in the same group of companies. The only ref I can find to Mars and spiderfarmer being the same is….drum roll 🥁reddit.
Shenzgen lighting is the parent company of them all!!
Like all Chinese companies part owned by the CCP!


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I think Mars, SpiderFarmer, etc are companies by name only, and they're getting some other fuckers in China to make their kits for them, via Alibaba.

Probably ordering something like 500 units at a time. Because if you look around Alibaba's site you'll see supplies hocking their wares there very similar to the shit the said companies are palming off to the public.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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The shenzgen lighting company makes fucking every light imaginable!!
They are huge but they are broken up into probably 35 smaller companies like Mars and Spider fire or others for underground mining, Driving, 4WD, the lights in ya fridge and oven pretty much any lighting. Horticulture is lighting is probably a small portion of their business!
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Kee Mao

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The shenzgen lighting company makes fucking every light imaginable!!
They are huge but they are broken up into probably 35 smaller companies like Mars and Spider fire or others for underground mining, Driving, 4WD, the lights in ya fridge and oven pretty much any lighting. Horticulture is lighting is probably a small portion of their business!
It’s the name of the province.


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I'm not going to pretend I am clueless I was going to buy a spider farmer but then i just saw pictures of a fire hazard.

What i want to know is that what is the safest and best value of the money as I have a budget for the light of 400 dollars max.

Not sure what size is best and what tent it should go in depending on the light i get?
The pre built plug and play lights at grow lights Australia are completely Australian compliant with and Australian spec driver and Plug. Bit pricy but and might be outside your budget for a pre build.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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The pre built plug and play lights at grow lights Australia are completely Australian compliant with and Australian spec driver and Plug. Bit pricy but and might be outside your budget for a pre build.
I'll be looking at these very closely soon!!
I don't think my HLGs are as bright as they were when I bought em 5 years ago!
I might name drop ya Rez!! 🤣


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I'll be looking at these very closely soon!!
I don't think my HLGs are as bright as they were when I bought em 5 years ago!
I might name drop ya Rez!! 🤣
I wouldn’t it’s doesn’t carry much weight. But they did have a discount code for 10% that might be active still Forum or forum10. A 2 min search on riu will find it.


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geez the chinese are clever business people aren't they . i didn't know all that about the factory

been scouting Ebay last few days to see if any major discounts but have not found anything yet

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Buy once, cry once. Don't skimp on light quality. Save up longer if you have to. The good ones seem expensive, until you weigh your harvest, and you'll laugh your arse off at the yield returns. My first HLG light has remained turned on for about 1900 consecutive days. Unbreakable. It hasn't taken a sick day off 😜 Still as bright as day of purchase. The scales don't lie.


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Buy once, cry once. Don't skimp on light quality. Save up longer if you have to. The good ones seem expensive, until you weigh your harvest, and you'll laugh your arse off at the yield returns. My first HLG light has remained turned on for about 1900 consecutive days. Unbreakable. It hasn't taken a sick day off 😜 Still as bright as day of purchase. The scales don't lie.
Shhhhhh you know what they say about Murphy!
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