What Are You Watching?

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Nah mate it's science and for some reason some people can't be presented with facts that don't align with their own views or agendas
Have some FAITH and just BELIEVE hey DC

Its all unprecedented apparently, the biggest floods, fires, storms bla bla bla, nothing to back it up,
just young cunts and DC's believing it all true

Can you show me some facts about Co2 being the temperature control knob of the Earth, E.G. less Co2 = colder, more Co2 = hotter
no could, might's or maybe's, just the cold hard facts

Off ya go dickhead

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Have some FAITH and just BELIEVE hey DC

Its all unprecedented apparently, the biggest floods, fires, storms bla bla bla, nothing to back it up,
just young cunts and DC's believing it all true

Can you show me some facts about Co2 being the temperature control knob of the Earth, E.G. less Co2 = colder, more Co2 = hotter
no could, might's or maybe's, just the cold hard facts

Off ya go dickhead
More nonsensical rants. I've shown ya heaps of stuff but like I said above you can't be presented with facts that challenge your views no matter how stupid said views are. I know you think you know absolutely everything and your ego is so big you think you views are infallible but your just a big mouth wanker with no idea.
Typical idiot, you think if you scream loud enough people will listen. 🤣🤣🤣


The man your mother warned you about.
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War on the horizon and DCS are worrying about the weather !
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