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afghan bob

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14,000 kgs of drugs seized by cunstoms this xmas
Heaps of buds and Ketamine
So i hope no one waiting on a delivery
They can keep bloody Ketamine though, they gave me that in hospital and totally tripped out
Full on goats on the ceiling type shit

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The cunt of a thing bought an old run down Shopping Centre in my old childhood neighbourhood, which probably has an occupancy rate of 25-30%. No doubt he only bought that to write it off as a loss, or some other dodgy reason he could exploit the system. Because there's no way you could get a reasonable return on the complex, or break even for the matter.

EDIT: Well, it's in his missus name, but he's a director or adviser to her company/portfolio.
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Usually prefer UK comedians. But once in a while, and far and few between there's a American one that stands out above the bunch..

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