What are you smoking?

Unknown User

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Had my first blunt of sugars wonkey last night.

I wasn’t expecting much to be honest really needed like 2 weeks to finish properly, but the boytis put a stop to that.

Very calming relaxing smoke, definitely put me into a creative mind set.

Been smoking heaps of zkittlez of late and that just writes me off so wonky is definitely a good day time smoke takes the edge off and definitely helps with concentration and creativity.

I’ll chuck a pic up later, at work at the mo.
I need the creative stuff to get into some heavy metal………….my creative took a very long holiday.

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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Been medicating with this probably not ideal but defiantly potent and dries mucus up for an hour or so before top up.
Bms lemon vapour rub pheno with same bubble blobs on top.
It hits very hard ..... for an auto . Easy strongest auto I've tried.
Loose and spindley sativa style flowers with lemon menthol nose and hit.✌20220427_132732.jpg


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
BCN Critical XXL that SWIM was growing outdoor prior to Covid, couldn't foresee covid restricting all the seed imports so didn't have beans for the last few years.
Has had to ration and is down to very last of it. :(
Not the best example by far but it's all that's left to take a pic of.

View attachment 23435

That would have to be the shittst bud on this thread!! 🤣🤣


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That would have to be the shittst bud on this thread!! 🤣🤣

Probably true but that's what SWIM's smoking.
The left over dregs from an outdoor grow pre-Covid.
Not SWIM's best grow by a long shot.

SWIM didn't have daily access to the plant, was planted very late in the season, part shade (mostly shade in fact), not the best weather, no TLC went into it as it could've got stolen at any moment, it wasn't a priority ... but it made it to harvest and has a kick to it.
SWIM's friends have also sampled and didn't mind it either, definitely better than handing over hard-earned readies to the black market.

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User ID
Probably true but that's what SWIM's smoking.
The left over dregs from an outdoor grow pre-Covid.
Not SWIM's best grow by a long shot.

SWIM didn't have daily access to the plant, was planted very late in the season, part shade (mostly shade in fact), not the best weather, no TLC went into it as it could've got stolen at any moment, it wasn't a priority ... but it made it to harvest and has a kick to it.
SWIM's friends have also sampled and didn't mind it either, definitely better than handing over hard-earned readies to the black market.

Fuck me , you are so full of bullshit

Bet you are maybe 15yrs old and spends all day on your phone

Or you are swim , the fuckwit , yourself

Go play somewhere else

A more apt name would be " Google " suits you


User ID
you are so full of bullshit... Google


Yeah right, you go reverse google image that all night and day, nothing will come up I guarantee it. That was a genuine grow

All I see is stem and sugar leaf...

Oh, first you're claiming SWIM's never done a grow, now you're criticising SWIM's unkempt outdoor grow.
Which is it flip-flop boy?
Nothing but cry, cry, cry from you, it's all you're good at.


These trolls have the maturity of a young child in the midst of a raging temper tantrum.

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