What are you smoking?

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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They look very nice indeed ..
Just looked at blown up photos
Impressive! Are they from seed or Cut?✌

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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tried a vape for the first time last night...

Certainly can taste the flavours a lot better than incinerating it in a bong.
I honestly couldn't tell the difference in taste of any weed when I was smoking unless it was very badly cured or wet or something really bad.
I can taste a difference in every strain with a vape.
I do miss the instant hit of nice big bong though. 🤣


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I honestly couldn't tell the difference in taste of any weed when I was smoking unless it was very badly cured or wet or something really bad.
I can taste a difference in every strain with a vape.
I do miss the instant hit of nice big bong though. 🤣

Yeah, the stone was not as instant. perhaps i need both... lol. rip a bing bong for the hit, then vape for the taste. lol
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