More of a coon man myself
They got to change that name.
It has been used in a derogatory manner to refer to our Indigenous cousins as I relate.
For some reason, although I am a caucasian, I am often accepted in Aboriginal communities.
Earlier this year I was at the Aboriginal Embassay opposite old parliament house have a sit and yarn with a mate and tourists approach me to ask about the Embassy! Sorry I don't know I say but they hang around and want to know which mob I'm with.
Years ago when Mabo law passed govt with Whitlam leading, I was in Mt Gambier and I was privileged to be taught some language by the men! the Male Elders! I can only remember 2 words and I don't know how they are spelt but I was told the word for woman was Minima and the word for if someone wasn't there it was called Tuntin...that is phonetically.
My sisters the bitches used to call me Boong nose as a teen....that too is a deragatory word to refer to Aborigines.
While I'm on the subject, I've been checking out funeral parlours as I get my affairs in order, well, I don't think White Lady Funerals is a good look or name either. Does that mean they only employ white ladies? or only bury white ladies? hmmmm
While there are way too many precious people being offended by stuff, our language really needs to be inclusive.
We are all immigrants down the line and most Aborigines have rels who are immigrants too now.
Alright then, I best be off