Watering soil with hydro nutes?


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20240415_165733.jpgSay I was too lazy to clone this soil solo plant and was just gunna send it to the flower tent and hand water from the hydro res. Would that be vaguely incompatible due to preferred pH ranges or would it just work?

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Goonie Goat

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Yep depends on a few things too, environmental factors etc.
Humidity has effects on plant transpiration for example.
Higher humidity will slow down transpiration and lower humidity will speed it up. But if relative humidity is too low, or too high, nutrient transport will slow down or stop completely.

Now as Benno said it's either going to be beneficial or not depending on your environment. If everything is dialled in well great, if your humidity is really low then your pots will dry out very quickly which may cause salt buildup then nutrient lockout
You'll work it out anyway, but if you were gonna add nutrients to every watering maybe start out by diluting the nute water with more water and increasing nutes further down the track if needed.

Or feed once, water next etc etc, whatever works.
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