Vaporiser Reviews


Resident Celebrity
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Smoking comes on a lot quicker but I find it doesn't last as long as vapeing
Interesting, I think I've noticed the same but I'm not happy about using more bud.

I used a desktop Buddha vape about 10 years ago and that was great so I sort of expected the same.

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Interesting, I think I've noticed the same but I'm not happy about using more bud.

I used a desktop Buddha vape about 10 years ago and that was great so I sort of expected the same.
I used to smoke about a gram a day when I smoked bongs now that I vape I probably use half that or less a day.
Vapeing should use less weed than smoking.
That's supposed to be one of the advantages.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
User ID
Fuck we should get on the piss and the pot one day Porky

A gram a day hey, I reckon we could do way better than that lol


User ID
Yeah, I expected better. And when will everyone get on board with USB c! Part of the issue is caused by me jamming the cord in the wrong way, but don't tell them that :) When you say screen gone dull? What do you mean?
Correction to this post. My own fault. Dodgey cord. Replaced it and all good. MLG

Aye Shroomer

User ID
So I’ve splurged today. Got a Firefly 2+
I’ve been researching so many and was going to go with the boundless but then a super vape store opened in my town. But he only stocks a few different ones. This was over double the amount I was going to pay but after research it looks so much better.
I’ve never used dry herb before. Only concentrate so it’s going to be a fun experience.


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Yeah they supposed to be very nice.
Keen to here what you think of it mate.
I had a boundless CFX it was a good vape for the money would have nothing on the fire fly but.


User ID
I used a couple b4 but never had my own

The Pax 3 is a nice compact design and easy to use

It has a app that can be used to control settings whilst in use

Temperature can be seen on the app , takes 10 to 15 seconds to reach 420 f

The complete pack comes with accessories for concentrates , a handy feature

Also a 1/2 oven piece for smaller amounts

it's a little expensive, but you get what you pay

Charging time from flat is approximately 30 mins , this lasted last night and a couple this morning

If you didn't know what it is , looking at it would be hard to determine it's exact application

If you see looking to buy 1 I don't think you'll be disappointed


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Whilst it doesn't have the bang a cone gives you , being able to get many lung fills of smoke of the same amount more than makes up for it

Each use is getting better as I learn more about the unit , what size grind is required for the best burn and when the oven is spent and needs to be refilled

12 or 13 weeks and it will pay for itself , I really only smoke ciggy on boat or at club , won't jeed them for spin anymore so ultimately will save me money as well

Without quality buds though I don't think it would be that great


Resident Celebrity
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Whilst it doesn't have the bang a cone gives you
It's interesting that you say that. I found the same thing with my DaVinci IQ2. It just didn't seem to have the same punch.
There I was smoking out of a 0.2gm glass bowl (normal sized cone amount from my measurements years ago), whereas the DVIQ2 has a 0.5gm chamber and I was not nearly as smashed, in fact only mellow.

It made me google what I could be doing wrong for something I spent nearly $400 on.

It also shit me that I can't just puff away whenever I want, I have to wait for it to warm up and then it's either hold it and puff for however long until the heat holds. It's be awesome if we could just test stuff out before we drop a bundle on something.

It's a solid piece of kit though, and I've heard good things about the PAX too, so it was a toss up for me but I eventually chose the DaVinci.


User ID
Can you save a few different settings/profiles within the app. For like differents temps, heat up times, etc.. ?


User ID
You can change it in the app , select temp

Whatever it's set at last time is how it works next time

There are those preset temps , boost flavour etc


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Whilst it doesn't have the bang a cone gives you , being able to get many lung fills of smoke of the same amount more than makes up for it

Each use is getting better as I learn more about the unit , what size grind is required for the best burn and when the oven is spent and needs to be refilled

12 or 13 weeks and it will pay for itself , I really only smoke ciggy on boat or at club , won't jeed them for spin anymore so ultimately will save me money as well

Without quality buds though I don't think it would be that great
Vapeing don't hit instantly like a bong!
Fill ya vape and hit it till no more vapour is coming out. Then fill it and finish that. Then go sit down and wait 2 to 5 mins then ya stoned as fuck.
Takes a bit to get used to but when ya do I find I'm more stoned.

Aye Shroomer

User ID
I noticed the first fill wasn’t a fast hit but then after I packed it again and finished that yeah it caught up to me.
The firefly is all convection. 3 seconds to heat up. Then a nice long inhale.
Temps can be controlled via an app too. Still need to test out all the options but I found 360F was a nice hit.

Red Eye Hero

User ID
When vaping always hold in the vape so when you blow it out there is little to no vape at all that way most of it absorbs into your lungs and you get stoned as fuck otherwise if you blow it out straight away you’re just wasting it
I’ve also found by vaping I can get more stone then hitting the bong less coughing more smooth and you can just keep going


User ID
So you don't do that when you have a cone ?

Who blows it straight out ?

Anyways , don't need to hold finger on top , got some valve there for that


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I don't know how much difference it would make , as soon as it hits your lungs I'd expect that would do the job , always held it in if I can


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
I noticed the first fill wasn’t a fast hit but then after I packed it again and finished that yeah it caught up to me.
The firefly is all convection. 3 seconds to heat up. Then a nice long inhale.
Temps can be controlled via an app too. Still need to test out all the options but I found 360F was a nice hit.
Crank it up to full and see how it goes!!
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