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Yeah that shits hectic I had some in the US years ago. Can get up to 85% THC apparently!
Yeah its pretty hectic cuts the amount you need to smoke by a 1/4 you have to watch the Aussie stuff I've seen alot of blokes make it without putting it under vacume and they end up petty much dabbing Butane soup šŸ¤®

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Community Member
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Yeah that shits hectic I had some in the US years ago. Can get up to 85% THC apparently!
Yeah mate the THC diamonds is 99.9% I've tried about 5 times to make them and only got them to work once but there to strong I dabbed a little to much and the shit had me questioning myself and didn't know if I was Arthur or Martha and got so paranoid I nearly pulled up my plants lol I'm never touching that shit again šŸ˜€
You basically jar it up when the butane is 3/4 evaporated and leave it in the jar for a few weeks and the THCA groups together and forms diamonds šŸ’Ž
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