Pretty sure Eco oil does not kill spider mite eggs and the little turds lay eggs about every 3 or 4 days.
This is the main reason they are so hard to get rid off.
They are tuff-little motherfuckers. Mature females lay up to 20 eggs per day and live 2 to 4 weeks.
They only take 4 to 5 days to reach maturity.
So as you can see they can be difficult to eliminate.
Especially if they get a hold in the more advanced stages of cannabis growth.
Have noticed in cooler conditions in doors they are not so active.
So if you can reduce your heat somewhat that is a good starting point.
There are also particular strains of cannabis that they prefer.
Have seen them on one type while others in same room none.
So they must know the best turps.
Bush around my area is full of mites .
Beware of bringing plants in and out of house.
Also watch out gardening out door then going straight to indoor garden
You can bring them in on clothing shoes etc. They are quite common.
