TSE 'Good Eats' Thread

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Goonie Goat

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Pre-cooking chuck steak for BIR curries that I didn't actually get-to yesterday:

No tomato in this. The vibrant red comes from Kashmiri Chill powder, which is all about colour, not heat.

This gets frozen in small takeaway containers with a bit of the cooking liquid. With a bit of planning (ie. taking it out of the freezer in the morning), you can have a curry for dinner in the time it takes to cook rice. Beats the hell out of buying a takeaway!

This pre-cooked meat can be used for any type of Indian/Sri Lankan curry, as it's just the base. I also bulk-cook "Gravy" & freeze it to be used as I need it.

Any leftover cooking liquid can be frozen & used for making another batch down the track.
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