This seems like a nice joint (have you all heard that one already?)

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Thank you Hound and Goat for your welcoming messages. I'm not sure what else to say here, so hopefully I can contribute by starting a thread about the here and now, elsewhere.

Meanwhile, I will say, about myself, that I've been on the planet for a while.
I love Cannabis. I don't really know what sort of community that I have stumbled upon (I have done no research), but I'm crossing fingers that I might fit in somewhere. 🤞

Goonie Goat

Community Member
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Thank you Hound and Goat for your welcoming messages. I'm not sure what else to say here, so hopefully I can contribute by starting a thread about the here and now, elsewhere.

Meanwhile, I will say, about myself, that I've been on the planet for a while.
I love Cannabis. I don't really know what sort of community that I have stumbled upon (I have done no research), but I'm crossing fingers that I might fit in somewhere. 🤞
Is that your bastard cannabis plant in your profile picture? Maybe start a grow journal 😁..

By becoming a community member you can also partake in the comps for seeds made by others here 👍🏻.. it's pretty easy going, not many people will give you a hard time for being a new, you just do ya thing 😃
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