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- 60
No fucking way I'm getting a jab without seeing what happens to the sheep.
Research autism and vaccination and how much it's increased since vaccinations.
Mate it’s not compulsory so u do t have to do shit. What’s the alternative fuckin masks and lockdowns I say fuck that, people are free to make up their own mind but what they should do with non vaxers is if u contract covid u should go to the back of the line if you need health care I rekon that’s fair enough. Forget traveling anywhere over seas no jab no fly.You need to read up on modern medicine Gaz I'm quoting No conspiracy theory .
Just facts.
Be FUCKED if I'd give it to any children .
Children get a punishing enough vaccination regime already.
And if your kids survive it with no side effects think ourselves lucky.
I know people's kids that didn't and they need to look after their kids till they die or if they can afford it and there that way inclined they institutionalised there whole life.
Research autism and vaccination and how much it's increased since vaccinations.
Just facts.
Just my opinion bro I think a lot of this is fear based strategy
Like most other shit these days.
These covid 19 vacs are too much of an unknown to be saturating the population in my opinion.
They just been popped out way too fast lots protocols thrown to the wind.
Trust me this is the world's biggest mediscam ever you can see these corporate asswipes falling over each other claiming this and that about their vax ,desperate to get their slice of the whole shitshow action.nuf cone now.✌![]()
Thalidomide showed that there can be a lot of risk in taking a new medicine. The drug was aggressively marketed as a solution to Morning Sickness when no trials had been done on pregnant women....we all know how that ended up. It took the manufacture 50 years to finally apologise for its fuckup.Fuck the jab....bet there was much more stringent testing with the polio vaccine,,but this new shit ? Nah I’ll hold off till they hold me down to give it to me..
Were all going to die anyway, corona, global warming, war with China, aids, sars, bird flu, zika virus, ebola, war with Indonesia
cancer, heart attack, run over by a bus, cyclone, heat wave, cold winters, to much rooting, not enough rooting, to fat, to thin, ciggies
alcohol poisoning (be a few here @ TSE) magic mushies, non magic mushies, beef, lamb, pig, (should be eating insects ya stnuc)
global warming again, (give the UN lots of $$ ya tight arses), the incoming glacial period, a fucking asteroid, tidal wave, drowned in your own spew( half of the members on here) to much pulling ya dick(the other half), golf
old age will get us if non of the above do
why worry about it ?
What is mainstream news and media lying through its teeth about??Dead right bomber they now have free reign to kill with impunity some people are just seem so blind to it.
Being realistic we havnt seen anything much of the virus here so makes it hard to judge what's really happening as we know mainstream news and media are lieing through their teeth.✌