The Wuhan virus 🦠

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Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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There called "Pussy's" around here

stnuc complain when ya say "cunt" so i call them backwards cunts instead, its a more apt description for them anyway


Forum Pisshead
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Had a new bloke start last week, was showing him around, see that guy, don’t talk to him his a cunt, that other bloke his a right cunt and the boss his a real cunt, I’m the only bloke her that’s not a cunt!


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Sanjeev Sabhlok is first economist (that i've heard from) that has made any sense of it all from a financial point of view, and appears to back up his opinion with facts. All the others have banged on about their opinion and not offering up much else.

I hope a few do take the time to view that vid that pedro posted, and put all the left 'n right political BS bias aside, and just take note of what Sajeev Sabhlok was quoted as saying

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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This probably won't be as funny once the numbers of protesters begin to swell ,as I said before Aussies are generally easy going but I feel slowly their starting to get PISSED OFF !
Just a matter of time and some more government agitation and I reckon it'll be on for young and old .
Not a good situation.✌
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