The Wuhan virus 🦠

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@ zanzi,By now you would have most likely checked my profile out to try an come up with some dribble to try an upset me pmsl.
As for me I would not waste my time looking at your profile.
If you would like to know my age it is 68 yr,Ya an old fucker lol.
An in my time so far I have seen many a person like you come an go an die.
An I really do hope they found peace with in them self.
A good to many people an friends on another Australian stoners web site have past or taken there own life due to ill health or depression or other problems with life.
And I most likely will still be here when you have gone, an yes I do have some major health problems but I don't let them get me down an turn me into a miserable person like you seem to be,So you can tell me to fuck off all you want ,As I will not be going any were,As far as your lip comment to me an other's on this site,They are like water of a ducks back.
I really do hope you grow up an lead a better life than you have at the moment young man if that is ok to call you that an you can turn your life around so your young one's love you and respect you for bringing them in to this world,An I bet you are wrong about your young one's an that they an all other young people have no respect for others . You just have to treat them with respect an love an you will receive the same back love an respect.
Please get medical help or some thing life is to short to be miserable an have your children not love you,they most likely do respect you, will not say it due to you more than likely telling them to Fuck off. you seem to be very good at that.
An the Mods here are not dumb fucker's an see what you are about ,So lift your game an be a helpful member here an gain some respect from the crew here at T,S,E,
That's about all I have to say to you zanzi .
All the best to you an hope you sort thing's out.


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@ zanzi,By now you would have most likely checked my profile out to try an come up with some dribble to try an upset me pmsl.
As for me I would not waste my time looking at your profile.
If you would like to know my age it is 68 yr,Ya an old fucker lol.
An in my time so far I have seen many a person like you come an go an die.
An I really do hope they found peace with in them self.
A good to many people an friends on another Australian stoners web site have past or taken there own life due to ill health or depression or other problems with life.
And I most likely will still be here when you have gone, an yes I do have some major health problems but I don't let them get me down an turn me into a miserable person like you seem to be,So you can tell me to fuck off all you want ,As I will not be going any were,As far as your lip comment to me an other's on this site,They are like water of a ducks back.
I really do hope you grow up an lead a better life than you have at the moment young man if that is ok to call you that an you can turn your life around so your young one's love you and respect you for bringing them in to this world,An I bet you are wrong about your young one's an that they an all other young people have no respect for others . You just have to treat them with respect an love an you will receive the same back love an respect.
Please get medical help or some thing life is to short to be miserable an have your children not love you,they most likely do respect you, will not say it due to you more than likely telling them to Fuck off. you seem to be very good at that.
An the Mods here are not dumb fucker's an see what you are about ,So lift your game an be a helpful member here an gain some respect from the crew here at T,S,E,
That's about all I have to say to you zanzi .
All the best to you an hope you sort thing's out.
You are off your head. And I did not tell anyone to fuck off because I do not do that. So take your patronising self inflated ego bullshit and stick it where it belongs.


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@ zanzi,This crap you are coming out with is getting better by every post lol.
You seem to me a lot like Clive Palmer ,a real dip stick that thinks he is above every one.That was until he met the boys from the wild wild west of Western Australia,An we shit down his neck.You seem to have the same outlook on life as Clive Palmer has.
If I were you, I would be spending a lot more time winning back the Trust & Love of your children an not calling them {NARCISSISTIC KIDS } You really are a very sick in the head young man,Did some one fuck you up the Bum an scramble your brain's
an ya don't know if you are coming or going.
You really do like to tell other people how uneducated they are,For some people they never had the chance of a high education like your self as you keep implying.
I really do feel sorry for you,an with all this money you tell us you have you should seek medical help for your condition an disability or disability's you have,I truly mean this from within my heart,There is no shame in asking for help. An I hope you can mend things with your children as, children are one of the greatest gift's in life don't waste it.

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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So good friends of my family were forced to double Vax to get back into Oz after 10 years sailing the world.
2 years later hes riddled in melanoma ( inside) his body they tell him stage 4melanoma.doctors don't know how it got inside his body?
But they have offered him an experimental
MRNA Vax for melanoma.!WTF!
I know what I'd be telling doctors,but it's not my life!


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Yep, mRNA a relatively new concept in cancer treatment. Sounds quite promising for brain cancer patients as well. There's a bloke developing it with stage 3/4 brain cancer, and he himself is the lab rat trialling it on himself with another genome therapy at the same time. No doubt we'll find out how well it works, fairly soon.

If it was looking terminal for myself, I'd be getting on board.


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Yeah… They are just evil cunts.
We all know whats happening.. or should by now.. If you don’t.. just go back to sleep.

I heard a study just came out of Israel that proves the DNA has been altered by the jabs..

And I heard why they wanted to do this the other day. Purposefully.

Most of you probably know that a company can’t patent a nattural product right ? You should nlk ow this being into Ganja..

Well… appearenty the Supreme court in the states has ordered that now humans are “no longer natural”
They are not protected by human rights and are now, more than ever, a commercial instrunment…

That means owned..

This was a long con all along.
They knew exactly what they were doing and why…
They just pretended to be stupid and alter the human race with an evil vax..

This is the transhuman agenda at work.
Sounds fruity right ?
Look into it and see..


The man your mother warned you about.
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pretty sure my hearts fucked from the fukin vaccine, literally petrified im gunna pass out while driving or some shit. new years resolution to get a heart monitor strapped to me for 2 weeks to see if its fucked, set me back about 400 bucks as well apparently. i bet thatll blow out to a grand easily
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