The Wuhan virus 🦠

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See what I mean, you dont pay attention. I said on average, Over the last 10 years on average you would have got nearly 10 percent in some of the major funds. As an example Australian Super returned 9.7 % on average over the last 10 years if you had your money in the high gain fund. And thats just by doing absolutely nothing except letting the money sit there. And if a person was smart enough to put their money into some of the big ETF's at the start of Covid you would have seen your money double. But hey, what would I know. Im just a fkn idiot making 5 grand a week in my sleep.
Not being rude but, money isn't everything in life my friend. Some people are rich in the pocket others are rich in the soul.

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Love to grow

Foot man
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See what I mean, you dont pay attention. I said on average, Over the last 10 years on average you would have got nearly 10 percent in some of the major funds. As an example Australian Super returned 9.7 % on average over the last 10 years if you had your money in the high gain fund. And thats just by doing absolutely nothing except letting the money sit there. And if a person was smart enough to put their money into some of the big ETF's at the start of Covid you would have seen your money double. But hey, what would I know. Im just a fkn idiot making 5 grand a week in my sleep.
As my last reply to you was deleted il try again we finally agree on something you are not a very smart individual is that better Sedgey👍

Love to grow

Foot man
User ID
a bit better but still no need to bait,,
Have a look at any political or climate or covid thread mate Not allowed to bait I’m thinking u might have to have a good ol look in the mirror mate👍 Fuck Zanzi his a cockhead he started all this bullshit all I did was agree with him he called himself the Fkn idiot I just agreed😂


The man your mother warned you about.
Staff member
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Yeah well there’s been too many shit fights ,,and constant bickering and baiting wont be tolerated anymore no matter who started what ,,or when it started,,

Love to grow

Foot man
User ID
Yeah well there’s been too many shit fights ,,and constant bickering and baiting wont be tolerated anymore no matter who started what ,,or when it started,,
Rightio then rules iz the rules gunna get boring everyone sitting round the campfire singing kombuya but Billy’s house Billy’s rules👍 I just hope the others got the same memo with all the meth head bullshit👍


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As my last reply to you was deleted il try again we finally agree on something you are not a very smart individual is that better Sedgey👍
Apparently Im smarter than you at making money. And im definitely smarter than you at knowing what super funds earn.


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So you make on average 5k /wk doing nothing
Either way you look at it as already stated $2,6 million would be required to generate that income if it was "done in your sleep "
No crypto currency is that consistent

So how do you this ?

Personally if I generated that income , and with the 2.6 million to boot somehow I don't think I'd be calling ppl meth heads on a weed site

I'd also have the ultimate set up for my grows in my multi million dollar house run on solar power and batteries etc

Somehow I think I might travel in different circles and probably wouldn't even know about this site

So again I ask how you manage it

Smells like bullshit to me
You are easily impressed. Money makes money, but only if you dont spend it.


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Yeah well there’s been too many shit fights ,,and constant bickering and baiting wont be tolerated anymore no matter who started what ,,or when it started,,
Why do I always miss the baiting. It's so frustrating, like turning up to the main event after its finished. I need the history logs. Well I hope porky takes the time off line and treats the kids to the extra minutes.
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