The Wuhan virus 🦠


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"It's not about your body, it's about the right of others not to cont(r)act these illnesses from you"
So you're saying people should take the covid-19 "vaccine" that didn't stop transmission at all (fact), in order to not transmit covid-19 to others? Do you see how fucking stupid your logic is?

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Watch it he says where he gets it from.

you don’t know much about these new vaccines if you compare them to the old ones ..and by the way the older ones were tested ,,they lied telling us the mRNA vax was tested to be safe.

Now even Biden wants one that,,in his own words “works”so when a vax don’t work ,who the hell are you supposed to be protecting by being a Guinea pig and taking the jab ?
The jab kills and puts people in hospital,,but you reckon there’s no logic or science not to take the shit,,,
Intrasigence ? That’s a joke .

it’s up to you if you want to blindly believe what the government and idiot box tell you,,,even though they’ve lied to you all your life.
I never blindly believe anything but I certainly dont get my facts from the Joe Rogan show or some nutjob conspiracy website. Personally I am someone who never ever gets the flu or even a cold, but not everyone has my immune system function and there are those who are severely compromised. And with corona you can have zero symptoms and still transmit it to others so I got triple vaxed. I am an exercise fanatic and the day of every vax I got I still exercised hard for 2 hours or so and I didnt drop dead, as you can see I am still alive. What appears not to be generally understood is that the corona virus is another form of flu which is also a corona. We been vaccinating the weak against the flu for decades and no one was offering any conspiracy theories about it. What the government was trying to achieve with this was herd immunity before the virus started to mutate, that goal wasnt met and we now have a number of other strains. These are all easily researchable facts. Im not claiming that the jab didnt kill anyone, as with all vaccines there is a risk involved because basically you are getting injected with a mild version of the virus itself. I actually never watch the idiot box, I need more than 20 second news grabs to form a viewpoint. I read a lot from various sources, watch a lot of docos and my previous employment has made me pretty good at picking up on bullshit.


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Semantics, they work by injecting a piece of protein which the body recognises as a virus. So it triggers the body into believing it has the virus which gives you all the symptoms of a mild version of the virus. In fact thats exactly the information they give you before the jab, that you may feel mildy unwell after.


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I never blindly believe anything but I certainly dont get my facts from the Joe Rogan show or some nutjob conspiracy website. Personally I am someone who never ever gets the flu or even a cold, but not everyone has my immune system function and there are those who are severely compromised. And with corona you can have zero symptoms and still transmit it to others so I got triple vaxed. I am an exercise fanatic and the day of every vax I got I still exercised hard for 2 hours or so and I didnt drop dead, as you can see I am still alive. What appears not to be generally understood is that the corona virus is another form of flu which is also a corona. We been vaccinating the weak against the flu for decades and no one was offering any conspiracy theories about it. What the government was trying to achieve with this was herd immunity before the virus started to mutate, that goal wasnt met and we now have a number of other strains. These are all easily researchable facts. Im not claiming that the jab didnt kill anyone, as with all vaccines there is a risk involved because basically you are getting injected with a mild version of the virus itself. I actually never watch the idiot box, I need more than 20 second news grabs to form a viewpoint. I read a lot from various sources, watch a lot of docos and my previous employment has made me pretty good at picking up on bullshit.
Yeah you just spew out the same narrative ,,believing the conspiracy of the msm,,So you know fuck all ..and think mRNA is the same as any other vax..
go back to school and ask for your money back.


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Notice you haven't heard a single word about the sweeping mandates from the "my body, my choice" "medical autonomy" and "bodily autonomy" brigade? Remember how it was apparently our choice to do what we pleased without our body, whether it be transitioning gender, having surgery to look like a cat, accepting or refusing treatment based on our cultural and religious background, right to five million didn't matter. Apparently, nobody could take our bodily rights away and they were willing to fight.

And then the vaccines came out and bodily and medical autonomy went out the window. The same exact people wearing "my body, my choice" shirts three weeks prior were calling me a fascist, right wing dissent artist the millisecond I mentioned medical and bodily autonomy like it wasn't their whole identity last week.

Absolutely disgusting behavior.
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Yeah you just spew out the same narrative ,,believing the conspiracy of the msm,,So you know fuck all ..and think mRNA is the same as any other vax..
go back to school and ask for your money back.
You keep claiming conspiracies but offer zero evidence. But what you do have when someone offers actual facts is denigration. you yourself not looking too smart here champ.


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So you're saying people should take the covid-19 "vaccine" that didn't stop transmission at all (fact), in order to not transmit covid-19 to others? Do you see how fucking stupid your logic is?
All facts indicate is that the jab did stop transmission, Im sure i will be corrected by the forum nannas if Im wrong but from memory Australia had a high vaccination rate and a low death rate. Compare that to a country like India where the virus cut swathes though the population, they couldnt even count the dead.


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You keep claiming conspiracies but offer zero evidence. But what you do have when someone offers actual facts is denigration. you yourself not looking too smart here champ.
just because you refuse to check or acknowledge the statistics and studies provided with the majority of video from John C linked here so far doesn't mean there has been no evidence provided. Theres a difference between evidence not being provided and straight out refusing to accept or even acknowledge the evidence provided.

The majority of the time he's just using CDC, WHO or government stats and references anyway to prove his point.
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just because you refuse to check or acknowledge the statistics and studies provided with majority of video from John linked here so far doesn't mean there has been no evidence provided. Theres a difference between evidence not being provided and straight out refusing to accept or even acknowledge the evidence provided.
Theres 157 pages on this thread but the posts I have been reading offer zero actual scientific fact so if you yourself actually have any, go for it. Im all eyes and prepared to be convinced. But you gonna need more than "I heard it on the Joe Rogan show"


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i mean, I like a choof as much as the next man but I think there may be one or two of you who have been sampling a bit too much of the product.


The man your mother warned you about.
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plenty of videos in this thread and many are good and honest
and say where they get their facts..
but you sound too biased to want to check anything out that doesn’t come from the government ,,soyour the one not looking too smart yourself ..champ
Isnt calling people nannas a form of denigration ?


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Theres 157 pages on this thread but the posts I have been reading offer zero actual scientific fact so if you yourself actually have any, go for it. Im all eyes and prepared to be convinced. But you gonna need more than "I heard it on the Joe Rogan show"
You are doing the same thing though. There's 157 pages here and you haven't posted any categoric scientific proof either, so I don't see your point. If you can't go through all the data avbailable in 2023 and come to a conclusion without my one link or piece of magic proof, I can't help you. I don't make up your mind, you do. Why can you come in here with no "facts" or "proof", but we can't? Being part of the political and social status quo isn't proof.


The man your mother warned you about.
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i mean, I like a choof as much as the next man but I think there may be one or two of you who have been sampling a bit too much of the product.
the Government always claimed weed was bad and addictive etc.
said it was based on med science ,,
why don’t you listen to that advice ?
instead of wanting to grow your own shit ?
Or is it too late coz you got addicted from your first puff.


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Heres a link from congress talking about Fauci lying about funding Gain of function tests on Rona viruses…

I could!’t be fucked searching for Phizers admission that they never tested for stopping transmission.
But its fact.. look yourself..

The point is… the gov decided to forfiet peoples right to choose what the fuck goes into their bodies.
Denying them of thier own bodily autonomy… at that point the populous instantly were treated like slaves… and dingbat cunts out there bought the propaganda hook line and sinker and helped the gov by violently supporting the idea without question.
Cunts should be swinging for treason over this…
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Heres a link from congress talking about Fauci lying about funding Gain of function tests on Rona viruses…

I could!’t be fucked searching for Phizers admission that they never tested for stopping transmission.
But its fact.. look yourself..

The point is… the gov decided to forfiet peoples right to choose what the fuck goes into their bodies.
Denying them of thier own bodily autonomy… at that point the populous instantly were treated like slaves… and dingbat cunts out there bought the propaganda hook line and sinker and helped the gov by violently supporting the idea without question.
Cunts should be swinging for treason over this…
I am of the view that the virus leaked from the Wuhan lab. They dont need to test for proof of stopping transmission because that is already accepted science. Covid19 was a previously unknown virus and it actually killed a lot of unvaccinated people, most in the 3rd world. Countries like Indonesia and India had a huge death toll. You may think our government had an over reaction and to some degree I agree with you, like Mcgowan in WA closing the borders for 2 years. But we all get compulsory vaccination when we are kids anyway for a range of diseases and if you are arguing that shouldnt be happening either then you gonna have to provide a lot of evidence to support it.


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the Government always claimed weed was bad and addictive etc.
said it was based on med science ,,
why don’t you listen to that advice ?
instead of wanting to grow your own shit ?
Or is it too late coz you got addicted from your first puff.
Thanks. Kind of proves I think independently dont you think?


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I am of the view that the virus leaked from the Wuhan lab. They dont need to test for proof of stopping transmission because that is already accepted science. Covid19 was a previously unknown virus and it actually killed a lot of unvaccinated people, most in the 3rd world. Countries like Indonesia and India had a huge death toll. You may think our government had an over reaction and to some degree I agree with you, like Mcgowan in WA closing the borders for 2 years. But we all get compulsory vaccination when we are kids anyway for a range of diseases and if you are arguing that shouldnt be happening either then you gonna have to provide a lot of evidence to support it.
Zanzi…. I gotta just ask..
Do you agree with vaccinating people against their will ?
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