Admittedly, i scoffed at it's initial use. Though there was little evidence about how it worked against covid. In fact, back at the time (with so little evidence about) if you thought it did work, you'd find yourself in the same boat as those who were skeptical about it. There just wasn't anything forthcoming info to back up the claims at the time. As it appears to be the case to this day.
I'm all with you about not drinking the Gov's Kool-Aid, mate. But you'll find i wont buy into some of this shit the loonies bang on about either. The majority are off their rockers. We all have the ability to think up fanciful stories, it's just some are crazy enough to have faith in their ideas and put it out there for all to see.
As for this video, mate. He states at the beginning and throughout the video that evidence of its effectiveness is still questionable. Though the guts of the video is about 3 Quacks/Doctors taking it to the FDA because they cant prescribe Ivermectin. Which makes sense because the lack of clinical trials of it effectiveness towards covid. So these guys think the they got something they can screw the FDA with because in their heads, they tend to believe the FDA's statements were mandatory. Which will not hold up in Court because if you read what was posted by the FDA was in fact suggestive. So that's the box 'n dice of the vid. 3 Clowns who are out to fuck around the system, and be no better off for it, and end up sticking $$$ into lawyer's pockets just to go through the exercise of it. Good luck to them. lol.
The thing is ,,,,if it was just a recommendation ,,,why did the W.H.O. and governments ban its use ,someone is to blame ..
prior to covid sickness was treated with whatever was at hand ,,W.H.O. Directives were not to use any treatments ,,just isolation ,which ran against normal procedures ,,,
Something wrong happened ,,,that is the Reason why needs to be investigated ,,,you can call them clowns if you want but that is just keeping up the original narrative of ridicule ,,and being on the side that allowed it to happen in the first place instead of trying to fix what essentially can be a life or death situation for any public health problems we may face in the future..
heads should roll no matter what the cost is ,,,
as for ivermectins effectiveness..there were many cases in hospitals in the us that showed it greatly helped ,,,
espesially in India once people finally got access to it..
but you won’t hear any of that on MSM ,,just ridicule and branding it a conspiracy theory…
The real conspiracy is what the W.H.O.and governments had people believing.